This is from Dorothy Bishop, a highly respected dyslexia researcher from the UK.
BishopBlog: Neuroscientific interventions for dyslexia: red flags.
I’m often asked for my views about interventions for dyslexia and related disorders. In recent years there has been a proliferation of interventions offered on the web, many of which claim to treat the brain basis of dyslexia. In theory, this seems a great idea; rather than slogging away at teaching children to read, fix the underlying brain problem. If your child is struggling at school, it can be very tempting to try something that claims to re-organise or stimulate the brain. The problem, though, is sorting the wheat from the chaff. There's no regulation of educational interventions and it can be hard for parents to judge whether it is worth investing time and money in a new approach. My aim here is to provide some objective criteria that can be used.I highly recommend that you read the whole post, and print out the post to use as a checklist.