A free public event focusing on boys’ educational performance and needs will take place on Oct. 7 at the Santa Rosa Junior College Petaluma campus.
When: 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m, Oct. 7 2010
Where: Carole L. Ellis Auditorium, Santa Rosa Junior College, 680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway, Petaluma, CA
Speakers: Richard Whitmire, author of the book, Why Boys Fail, keynote speaker; Joe Manthey, talking on “A Brain-Based Approach to Academic Success for Boys.”
Audience: For parents and others who care for, educate or make policies affecting the lives of boys.
Cost: No charge for event; $4 parking fee. Call 285-2143, ext. 138 to register.
I've read Why Boys Fail and found it somewhat of a mixed bag. Geek Dad's review captures most of my response. I haven't heard Manthey's presentation, but the phrase "brain-based" usually gets my skeptical senses tingling.
That said, I too have a hunch that, starting in kindergarten, we are asking all children to do academic work that many are not developmentally ready to do.
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