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« Part II Critique of Homeopathy: The Foundations and Background | Main | Part IV--Critique of Homeopathy »

Monday, December 15, 2003



There are published opinions in this world in support of and contrary to everything. If you want to know for sure if it works, try it.


Richard is incorrect. One-trial experiments prove nothing--too many confounding variables, too many things that can "make you better" -- including the passage of time.

Having a well-designed experiment in which many people with the same illness are treated with the same treatment is the only way to determine if a given treatment is effective.

Homeopathy has flunked, time and again.

Syed Aleyali

Quote from:
"The physician is a preserver of health if he knows the things that disturb it, that cause and sustain illness, and if he knows how to remove them from healthy people"

Samual Hahnemann, M.D.

The principles of Homeopathy are based on a pharmacological law, the "Law of Similars." This principle states that "any substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person when given in full-strength will cure a sick person with the same symptoms when given in a very dilute form."

As an example, exposure to a flu virus may cause a healthy individual to develop the flu. However, a small, diluted form of the flu virus may be used to treat a sick individual with the flu. The remedy works by stimulating your body's immune system to overcome the illness. This Homeopathic principle is similar to a treatment in conventional medicine when a healthy person is given a vaccination. However, Homeopathic remedies are chosen according to a person's mental, emotional, and physical response to a particular illness. Two people may develop the flu from the same virus, but their symptom picture may be entirely different. Therefore, it is important to have the remedy individualized for you.

Philosophy in Homeopathy
"Philosophy represents the highest ideal towards which the human mind is imbued with a desire to struggle. Philosophy is not only the highest of all sciences, it is also the basis and the fundamental of all others. No science can exist without philosophy, for without its help it falls to the level of a handicraft or at any rate of a subsidiary subject. THIS IS TRUE ABOVE ALL OF MEDICINE."

Samual Hahnemann, M.D.

Syed Aleyali

Quote from:
"The physician is a preserver of health if he knows the things that disturb it, that cause and sustain illness, and if he knows how to remove them from healthy people"

Samual Hahnemann, M.D.

The principles of Homeopathy are based on a pharmacological law, the "Law of Similars." This principle states that "any substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person when given in full-strength will cure a sick person with the same symptoms when given in a very dilute form."

As an example, exposure to a flu virus may cause a healthy individual to develop the flu. However, a small, diluted form of the flu virus may be used to treat a sick individual with the flu. The remedy works by stimulating your body's immune system to overcome the illness. This Homeopathic principle is similar to a treatment in conventional medicine when a healthy person is given a vaccination. However, Homeopathic remedies are chosen according to a person's mental, emotional, and physical response to a particular illness. Two people may develop the flu from the same virus, but their symptom picture may be entirely different. Therefore, it is important to have the remedy individualized for you.

Philosophy in Homeopathy
"Philosophy represents the highest ideal towards which the human mind is imbued with a desire to struggle. Philosophy is not only the highest of all sciences, it is also the basis and the fundamental of all others. No science can exist without philosophy, for without its help it falls to the level of a handicraft or at any rate of a subsidiary subject. THIS IS TRUE ABOVE ALL OF MEDICINE."

Samual Hahnemann, M.D.


The effectiveness of homeopathy may be relative to the person's response towards the alternative treatment and to the period of an illness' detection. It may offer temporary relief but still it is necessary to seek professional medical advice. For minor illnesses, I have proven it to be as effective, but less expensive, as the prescription drugs.


Alexis Kenne

Researchers estimate that about 10 percent of Americans will develop diabetes during their lifetime and about twice that number will develop a milder form of diabetes called impaired glucose tolerance, or pre-diabetes. Diabetes and pre-diabetes often do not present any symptoms until a complication arises, making the disease difficult for patients to detect.

Natural Diabetes Treatment

Althoug there may not be effective homeopathic treatment for Type 1 diabetes because it is a failure of the pancreas to produce insulin, there are a number of natural treatments that can prevent or even cure type 2 diabetes. First and formost is to lose weight. Second is control your diet.


There are some good natural treatments for type 2 diabetes but europe is having some fantastic results with stem cells. Our scientists need to get the results from this european treatment and get our government to move on with this stem cell treatment that the europeans are having so much success with! Keep up the hard work with your site.


I was just reading another blog discussing the fact that there is a new study going on that will look at the genetic factors that determine the onset of diabetes as opposed to the "environmental" factors. This ought to provide some important insight into thei indicators that bring about Type I diabetes.

Keranamu Gula

Diabetes type 1 is very common among children and no possible cure so far. Unlike diabetes type 2, if a person with diabetes can change his lifestyle like exercise regularly, control diet and maintain an ideal weight, this is a possible cure.

K V S Prasad

Desmoplast Malignant Melanoma observed at head, Neck, lungs and liver VI segment . very less at liver and lungs


Homeopathy is advantageous to those suffering from type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes as these can both be greatly improved if not totally reversed in some cases. Type 1 however is failure of the pancreas to produce enough, if any, insulin. When an organ has failed, it's failed.

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