I missed this one, but now it is on my calendar.
Parents, let's make the next 51 weeks looking at our own unhealthy patterns, so that we can observe next year's week with clear eyes and a good conscience.
Over at Markham's Behavioral Health
Today, February 14, 2004 marks the end of this year's annual Children Of Alcoholics week in the USA. Does this seems like a weird topic for an annual health observance?"An estimated one in four U.S. children is exposed to a family alcohol problem, and countless others are affected by familial drug abuse. These young people are at increased risk of a range of problems, including physical illness, emotional disturbances, behavior problems, lower educational performance, and susceptibility to alcoholism or other addiction later in life.
This is why the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA) and its affiliates promote Children of Alcoholics Week 2004 from Sunday, February 8 through Saturday, February 14. The theme of this public awareness campaign, "A Celebration of Hope and Healing Across Generations," proclaims the responsibility all share for the well-being of all children, but especially for those who struggle with alcohol or drug addiction in their families. NACoA envisions a society in which these vulnerable children have access to adults who can help them and are encouraged to seek help.Join the concerted effort to foster public dialogue about the best ways to help children living with family addiction."
My mother, Ann Goodwin Ditz, died as a consequence of her alcoholism. She didn't recover, but we did. When she was sober, we supported her; when she was drinking, we were very clear it was her disease, not ours. We also talked about it openly. I met a woman recently who was in one of mom's AA groups, and she said that it was the example of our family that got her into recovery. So if you are reading this and have a drug dependent family member, the first thing to do is not getting help for your family member. Go to Al Anon. Keep going back. It works.