Update April 2010 Homeopathy a systematic review finds no evidence that homeopathy has effects beyond placebo. Dr. Steven Barnett's article, Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake reviews the status of homeopathy in the United States. Homeopathy lists the critiques published of homeopathy in April, 2010. homeopathyThere's Nothing In It, the 10:23 campaign.
I stopped working with a (horse) trainer I really respected because the trainer was insisting on treating the horses and riders with visceral manipulation and homeopathy. I wasn't seeing the benefit of either treatment and it was starting to run into large amounts of money, on top of training fees. Then my sister (who should be able to think better than this) said "Oh, I know homeopathy works because I've tried it and it works for me."
So I researched and wrote an essay (in four parts) as a critique and rejection of homeopathy. Here is an index of posts on this blog about homeopathy, and a line to a webring.
Part I--Critique of Homeopathy: An Overview of Why Homeopathy Cannot Be Effective, And Is More Like A Religion
Part I--Critique of Homeopathy: The Foundations and Background; Why It Is Hard to Think About Homeopathy; and Why It Is Health Fraud
Part III--Critique of homeopathy: An Examination of Its Utility in Some Life-Threatening Medical Conditions
Where The Tough Get Going: Homeopathy and Life-Threatening Conditions
Part IV--Critique of Homeopathy Is Homeopathy Pure, or Is Homeopathy Big Business?
Dyslexia and Homeopathy Don't waste your money and time.
Another Confused quack homeopath.
Dolivaxilcannot cure anything.
Here is the webring Hub
This ring is for sites that combat & debunk health-related frauds, myths, fads, and fallacies, and are more interested in real, objective, scientific proof, than in the speculative, subjective, and unproven theories and anecdotes of so-called Alternative Medicine. If you are sympathetic to the aims of the National Council Against Health Fraud, and you consider Quackwatch to be a reliable source of anti-quackery information, then this ring may be just what you're looking for
Dear Liz,
Thanks for the link to my webring. You've got a great blog here.
Here is my main homeopathy page:
Posted by: Paul Lee, PT | Sunday, July 25, 2004 at 03:21 AM
For Paul Lee, as he refuses commentary re anti-cancer treatment. Tell him I am amazed his Asian exposure did not penetrate his brain.
Your scientific acumen appears as bad as your technical.
Is there any science you know of besides the obviously physically apparent anatomy of the human body? or do only ignorant accusations predominate in your mind? Surely, you do not know physics as you claim, or you would understand why and how homeopathy works.
Perhaps you would also malign qigong, which understands the virtues of good chiropractic treatment, because of the same inadequate understanding of physics. Read Dr. Robert O. Becker M.D.'s books, as clearly by virtue of his degree far more educated than you. Read Hong Liu's book, including Nature magazine on Yan Xin, on the many scientific studies done on the physics of electromagnetic energy. Are you merely a lackey for the M.D.s who assign their patients to you, or just a crank? Attend the Oct. conference on Energy medicine found on www.mercola.com, rereferring to a small portion, a 100 energy studies. Find out how mechanics clean engines, unreachable inside, with a homeopathic procedure. Make healing an intuitive art, rather than rely on many altered contradictory studies, for intuition is the 1st process before finding & creating healijng modalities.
The "poor Hanna" story only illustrates your abysmally incompetent inclination toward science or even a scientific mind. What will it take to get you to become an actual healing assistant, rather than a misleading crank/quack on the web?
1. Did poor Hanna ever actually ff. Hulda's protocol?
2. Does it occur to you that nausea came about from chemo and radiation, not H.C.'s program, among whom no one I ever heard of vomited?
3. Is one example of M.D. abuse as one last treatment type is suggested before they give up on her evidence of anything but the Sorry, we cannot do anymore for you copout of the medical profession?
4.Does it occur to you that her many treatments of radiation and chemo hopelessly destroyed her immune system? I will file a complaint against you, effective or not in the USA.
This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/
Posted by: judyth | Wednesday, August 04, 2004 at 10:09 PM
I don't know who this Judyth is, but she is not a rational exponent of her case.
Robert O. Becker published "The Body Electric" and became convinced that low silver levels in the body were a cause of disease, leading to the silver craze of the late 1990s (discussion here, Wired News of Medicine Jan. 10, 2003.
Rosemary Jacobs has silver poisoning; the link takes you to her site, including Becker's disavowal of silver "supplements".
Hong Liu--without further details, it is too hard to figure out what Judyth is talking about. It's something to to with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qigong.
Laidler's 12 rules for debating "alt-med" true believers.
Find out how mechanics clean engines, unreachable inside, with a homeopathic procedure. I have no idea what Judyth is talking about.
The "poor Hanna" story is here--there's another story about a family who brought their dying daughter to Hulda Clark for a "cure". Clark cured them of their money, is all.
In short, this woman Judyth believes in treatments that have been proven worthless, and is angry with Paul Lee for saying they are worthless.
Posted by: liZ | Thursday, August 05, 2004 at 12:39 AM
Judyth seems to not only be confused, but irrational. Too bad. She makes a lot of noise, but produces no objective evidence. Since there is obviously no possibility of engaging her in a reasonable discussion, I won't waste time attempting to deal with each of her points, especially since some of them are incoherent ramblings that make no sense, although I will comment on her first sentence:
".... he refuses commentary re anti-cancer treatment."
I don't know what she's talking about here. I don't recall ever being approached by this woman. If I am approached in a reasonable and courteous manner, I usually reply in kind and am willing to discuss pretty much anything.
If Judyth really wanted to contact me, she could have easily done it, instead of limiting her comments to this blog. She could have, at the very least, done me the courtesy of letting me know that she had posted here.
Posted by: Paul Lee | Thursday, August 05, 2004 at 01:44 PM
Lordy, still no scientific bent elicited from Paul. Replies to comments from last to 1st below.
1) I tried to contact you from your less-than enlightened medical quackery site only rote, blind ff. of studies you have no inquiring mind to question.], but was many times continually rejected by email system, I presumed, because you wanted as you said there, no adverse commentary, or some such phrase, or else because you are web-challenged as you indeed suggested there.
Therefore, I had no other recourse to notif you of my opinions on your most unconvincing views but here, after considerable attempts to locate you anywhere else.
2) I have never even contemplated seeing you, especially after many P. T.s treated me for years, including several who escaped from their Olympic teams to remain in the U.S., but not a one recognized I had a thos over 2 yrs. of treatment, for it took a not well remunerated osteopath from Kaiser to discern this, not all bad system there, but mostly monetarily so.
3) As I did not think I actually should take up exorbitant amounts of space here, not your site, I merely pointed you to areas of inquiry I hoped would engage a 'scientific' mind. Of course, not many studies have been done by western medical
scientists, as their aim is merely to take over supplementation by requiring Rxes for them, but surely you could have looked at the literature, for your western studies do not exclude many complexities outside their parameters. and can be and further often are manipulated by the drug companies that present them.
My cursory expository remarks were meant to treat you so shortly, because you were not worth my time, clearly, but I wanted to steer you to some good sources.
Eso es.
As to Liz on Becker: 1) I did not endore him for crazes, although silver has been used well by both eastern and western medicine, nor his universal Godly wisdom, merely intended to remind you of his work on regrowing limbs using electric currents. Have you no information on Voll machine developments, physicist who wrote Fer de Lance, to give you some web research you or more promising, your readers might find, which method could easily have been applied to Hong Liu, but with a little help now evidently needed, go to Qimaster.com. Surely you know what precedes those words, for URLs. Have NEITHER of you checked out Nature Mag. archives for Yan Xin? How unscientific of you, not to even mention if you did, for there IS proof of effective energy medicine, not to mention Chinese studies in The Art of Qigong by Hong Liu.
2) For both of you, to offer no proof of you contentions, much less offer up a news report laden with errors by untrained-in-medicine reporters, not medical/health ones, whose inaccurate slanted comments and blatant false facts, of a $1500. zapper, etc. show you are happy with your own investigative ignorance. The article was rife with innuendo and ignorance.
Of course, repressive U.S. laws make geography good to Hulda & many other clinics that understand good nutritive support, at the least.
CA Physicians banded together to not allow naturopaths to be primary health care providers able to prescribe, recently, but her credentials are good, and several M.D.s I know here chiefly use homeopathy, not their western med. mindless protocols. I write for others here, that I have used her protocols with immediately observable success, so it angers me that you dismiss her w/o an iota of proof.
As to the dying girl whose parents took her to Hulda, Hulda knew that just as Paul.s many presumably injured patients may have pathogens invade the sight of injury, so Hulda thought that perhaps the deficient DNA had a root or exacerbating pathogen that attacked it. No doubt she improved her nutritionally, eliminated many toxins, not by the Zapper, as these really confused reporters misstated, but by nutritional supplementation, and the pathogens western med. primarily treats, by the Zapper, and the parents continue to seek combined allopathic AND alternative care together sustain this supposedly previously dying girl. Did she live beyond 3 inquiring minds might like to find out.
Think, people, that $1200. for a month stay at a hoteln is $40. night, not bad, as no doubt laundry, room cleaning was taken care of specially to be free of chemicals, etc. Nor are $10. specially prepared meals, or any of it. I was charged $30,000. for a 5-day stay in a Santa Monica, CA hospital, where they did not find the pathogen introduced into my kidney by another western M.D. who thought I had a medullary sponge kidney, not so, but he perforated my gut to catheterize the kidney, did not clean equipment well after that, and introduced a gut bacteria to kidney where it is never normally found, so after losing all but 7% of my platelets to this major blood infection, spread through toxic reaction to an IVP's iodine, and neglect of a thrombotic leg, I used qi gong and got myself out of there. Fortunately, this hospital no longer exists, as another woman had thrombosis there neglected and had both of her lower legs chopped off because of it, so weary of it, she let her lawsuit go after years of them fighting it. Mine was neglected/ignored by M.D. until by the grace of God a friend visited and witnessed it, so my leg was saved by having a witness to this M.D.s observing it. Thank God for non-invasive alternative medicine I use now, including Hulda's treatment of a melanoma on skin gone by use of her 3-week protocol, nothing else. I am a certified healer.
You let slide that Huilda has to protect herself from the same M.D.'s lawsuits, not to mention the FDA, etc. which kills how many people would John Stoessel say, by denying medicine approval for 13 years or so, yet let so many ineffective ones get through. SPECIFICALLY, she did not treat in San Diego, just diagnosed/monitored reduction of pathogens, I assume, for the treatment protocol no doubt was merely continued from her clinic Rx for treatment in Mexico. But let the blind lead the blind, I say.
Posted by: Judyth | Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 10:44 AM
My contact information is easy to find, and it works perfectly fine. I have never had anyone complain about it before:
I'm curious about this complaint that you are planning to file. For what "offense" will you complain, and to whom? Such a possibility doesn't even exist.
Notify me by email when you respond.
Posted by: Paul Lee | Friday, August 13, 2004 at 04:08 PM
Homeopathy cures where Conventional Allopathic Medicine (CAM) works
Posted by: Dr. Nancy Malik | Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at 01:12 AM