It is my belief that the achievement gap and the ever accelerating pay gap are the two biggest threats we face. The threat of terrorism is big and real, but these two domestic problems in my view, have the real capacity to end the American way of life.
So who's picking up tools to help change the threats? I am not sure what can be done about the accelerating income inequality. But the achievement gap? That we can work on.
The mission of the Alliance for Excellent Education is to make it possible for America's six million, at-risk middle and high school students to achieve high standards and graduate prepared for college and success in life.
Approximately six million secondary school students are reading well below grade level, preventing them from succeeding in challenging courses and placing them at great risk of dropping out of school.The Answer?
- intensive, focused literacy instruction and tutoring
- those completing the above graduate from high school and attend college in significantly greater numbers than those not receiving such attention.
Despite these findings, few middle or high schools have a comprehensive approach to teaching literacy across the curriculum.
So how does a local organization find a good literacy program? Look
Using here
I believe that they are actually the same problem.
We have a "runaway class" of super-rich individuals and executives, who increasingly have little in common with everyone else -- and as a result don't want to pay taxes.
Taxes that would pay, for example, for a decent primary education for every schoolchild.
Posted by: Lisa Williams | Saturday, July 10, 2004 at 10:11 PM
Adolescent literacy and the achievement gap are issues of particular interest to me, as an educator and writer. We should be ashamed of the fact that we can spend so much on a war but we can't find the funds to educate our nation's own children!
Posted by: panasianbiz | Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 04:51 PM