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« Cowboys (and Girls) as They Really Were | Main | Prison Performing Arts »

Saturday, July 24, 2004


Janet L. Crawford

Just completed reading "I Speak of Dreams: Judy Crawford, Cowgirl CEO". Just a note to say "Thank you" for sharing her story with the rest of the world. Her strength of character has brought her this far and will take her even further. I am proud to say she is my daughter and I am certain all her dreams will be fulfilled. She truly brings pride and joy to our family.

greg henderson

as a vendor which black rodeo tour would be the largest and most beneficial to participate with?

Amanda Bornfree

The words you've posted above - are so needed for inspiration! Gaining the privelege to have the knowledge of a Black Woman in the history of Rodeo, makes me smile - aware that we can do anything and have already...regardless of the suffering in our lives.


Amanda Bornfree

michelle anderson

it is great to have a women of color in the rodeo .i really enjoy watching the rodeo and knowing that there are people of color in the rodeo makes it allthe more special to watch

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