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Monday, July 12, 2004



Tragic story.

On a side note, it looks like his father emigrated from Nigeria, which would explain his name. It may also explain other things as well.

Iquo Okon

Dear Liz,

Thank you so much for posting my brother's story on your site. My brother was a beautiful person and an inspiration to all who met him. We all miss him dearly.




Yes, Okon was a great person and I'm very glad that I knew him for as long as I did. I just pinged you with a post I did just after I heard of his death.

It's good to see another fellow alum blogging. :-)



I met Okon at a French language group in Chicago during the mid 90's. I found him very likeable, interesting, and wordly. I only recently learned of his death, and was stunned by it.
But, like a previous poster, I am glad to have met him. I only wish I had found better news than this upon Googling him after so many years.

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