(Update 12/19/2004: I've removed a link at the request of the parents' organization.
Update 12/14/2004: link removed part. )
The big lie(s) are
1. Declaration of Independence Banned from Classroom
2. Christian teachers are being "discriminated against".
3. America was founded by Christian activists
One and two are definite lies, three is a matter of interpretation.
The mendacious behavior of ADF (and Mr. Williams, for entering a suit rather than pursuing the other channels available to him) should revolt any really devout person.
The best coverage so far is at E-Riposte, who has a scanned copy of the Easter assignment that caused part of the furore. I would be angry at my child being given such an assignment. I think it is invasive and inappropriate, especially for 10 year olds.
Other good stuff: Williams Exaggerates; this teacher is one of those pious crusaders who wants to play up the "Christian nation" angle ; It's A Lie that Cupertino Banned the Declaration of Independence .
From the Cupertino Unified School District: "The district has not violated anyone's constitutional rights. Media coverage* regarding the lawsuit has substantially mischaracterized the content of the Cupertino Union School District's curriculum. It has incorrectly been reported that the district has banned the teaching of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. In reality, no such ban exists.''
*Meaning, the headline on the Alliance Defence Fund website and elsewhere
The interpretation part:
Myth of Christian Nation:
Whenever the Supreme Court makes a decision that in any way restricts the intrusion of religion into the affairs of government, a flood of editorials, articles, and letters protesting the ruling is sure to appear in the newspapers. Many protesters decry these decisions on the grounds that they conflict with the wishes and intents of the "founding fathers."Such a view of American history is completely contrary to known facts. The primary leaders of the so-called founding fathers of our nation were not Bible-believing Christians; they were deists. Deism was a philosophical belief that was widely accepted by the colonial intelligentsia at the time of the American Revolution.
Founding Fathers Not Bible Believing
These founding fathers were a reflection of the American population. Having escaped from the state-established religions of Europe, only 7% of the people in the 13 colonies belonged to a church when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
America Not Founded as a Christian Nation(A false belief "that the Founding Fathers were escaping from religious persecution. They are not only in error but also off by a few centuries in their assessment.")
America Was Not Founded On Christian Principles
ontrary to the claims made by some from the Religious Right, America was not founded as a Christian Nation which was then later undermined by godless liberals and humanists. Just the opposite is the case, actually. The Constitution is a godless document and the government of the United States was set up as a formally secular institution. It has, however, been undermined by well-meaning Christians who have sought to subvert its secular principles and framework for the sake of this or that "good cause," usually in the interest of promoting this or that religious doctrine.
As to the "Christian teachers being discriminated against"--this seems to be a touchstone or article of faith among the social conservative, Bible-believing right. I find it hard to believe....here I am in the heart of an "irreligious" area, and I don't see any churches being barred, or congregations rounded up, or police busting up prayer meetings.... It is a deformation of the word "prosecution" as the Alliance Defense Fund, and others, are using it.
November 27, 2004:
- Was Williams Proselytizing to the Heathen?
- Read The Easter Assignment Yourself
- Why Did Williams Avoid Resolving Grievance with School the Normal Way?
- Many Parents Object to Williams Proselytizing in Class
- Williams is Presenting a Forgery as George Washington's Work
- Armed Guards Stationed at School after Threats on Behalf of Williams
- Alliance Defence Fund Uses Big Lie Technique
- Is the Evangelical Mr. Williams Teaching Evolution or Creationism?
- Nat Hentoff's Column Inaccurate
- Mainstream Media Fail to Factcheck Alliance Defense Fund's Mendacious Claims
- L.A. Times Blows Chance to Investigate Williams & ADF's Claims
- Parents Speak Up to Balance the Story
December 10, 2004:
January 2, 2004:
The massive media machine that is the Alliance Defence Fund is opposed by....We the Parents, a small, unfunded group of Stevens Creek School parents who are seeking to tell their view of the Williams suit.
If you would like to help offset the costs of the Alliance Defense Fund attack on this school, you can make a tax-deductible donation through the Stevens Creek Parent Teachers' Organization or by mailing a check to:
Stevens Creek Parent Teacher's Organization Stevens Creek Elementary School 10300 Ainsworth Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014
I am writing a paper now on the topic of deism and the founders, and I was wondering where you got the stat that only 7% of America belonged to a church when the declaration was signed?
Posted by: RJ | Friday, December 10, 2004 at 04:06 AM
The Society of Americans for National Existence has a great article regarding the ADF. See it here: http://www.saneworks.us/The-Alliance-Defense-Fund-fights-Jews-for-Jews-article-130-7.htm
Posted by: Dan Winters | Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 03:59 PM