Update January 30, 2010. Current post is Doug Copp, Dubious & Self-Promoting "Rescue Expert" Shows Up In Haiti
Recommended Reading
- Snopes.com on "Triangle of Life" and Mr. Copp
- Marla Petal's refutation of Copp's claims, and sound earthquake safety advice. Clicking www.cert-la.com/RejoinderToDougCopp.pdf will download a (PDF) document
- Voices on the Ground in Haiti: Stanford Emergency Medicine Team -- Narrative with Links to Posts
I am still getting a huge number of people looking for info on Doug Copp. The "triangle of life" email is full of fraudulent or dangerous information.
For the record, I wrote:
Doug Copp: Disaster Hero or Massive Fraud?, which has links to the Albuquerque Journal's four-part piece criticizing Mr. Copp's actions and rebuttals of Copp's claims from the Red Cross. Then I wrote Doug Copp II, which also has in the comments a huge, long, repetitive, blustering missive from Mr. Copp himself. In the interests of fairness, I left it up. On October 25, 2004, the Mercury News published an article, which I re-posted as Doug Copp III, which is a rebuttal of Doug Copp's advice.
I see that Copp is still billing himself as "The American Rescue Team International (ARTI)--The World's most experienced rescue team, and still has the fantasy that he has a corpsefinder ("RTI will be bringing the equipment to locate the most difficult and complexly hidden corpses, The only machine, in the world, that can locate dead victims. ").
Here's some more venom:
Do not give to the American Red Cross; unless, you want 'gold plated telephones' in the 'Marble Palace' (common name for the ARC Headquarters, in Washington). They keep the money. Don’t expect to see Rocky Lopey*, of ARC crawling inside of a collapsed building or even getting his suit dirty and don't listen to them when they try to endanger your life with 'duck and cover'- rubbish.As always, we do the work, they collect and keep the money and some poor suffering soul goes without. In spite of Tom Lang and Rocky Lopey and other villains we keep going with heart and soul. RTI, will always be there, risking our lives, helping people and needing nothing in return except a sense of doing good.
*I believe Mr. Copp is referring to Rocky Lopes, and is using that cutesy circumlocution to avoid some sort of legal action.
Well, Mr. Copp, Earthquake Country has a strong rebuttal to your arguments on quake advice (including Marla Petal's denunciation of Copp's half-truths). The OEM's Earthquake and Tsunami Programs Coordinator discounts Copp's advice as well. Oh, dear. Lew Rockwell proves he is not a very good researcher by credulously reposting the original Copp email. sigh. I am gathering from this discussion the "triangle of life" hoax is again afoot. Oh, dear, yes, it is republished as the truth at Gee Baby and The 3rd World View...not good.