Richard Crouch, who is a Stevens Creek School Parent, has written an excellent piece on how the mainstream media failed to fact check the allegations in the Steven Williams litigation story, allowing the piece to morph and viralize accross the United States.
Roster of Stories:
November 27, 2004: Was Williams Proselytizing to the Heathen?
December 10, 2004: Read The Easter Assignment Yourself
Why Did Williams Avoid Resolving Grievance with School the Normal Way?
Many Parents Object to Williams Proselytizing in Classing
Williams is Presenting a Forgery as George Washington's Work
Armed Guards Stationed at School after Threats on Behalf of Williams
Alliance Defence Fund Uses Big Lie Technique
Is the Evangelical Mr. Williams Teaching Evolution or Creationism?
January 2, 2004:
Nat Hentoff's Column Inaccurate
Mainstream Media Fail to Factcheck Alliance Defense Fund's Mendacious Claims
L.A. Times Blows Chance to Investigate Williams & ADF's Claims