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Friday, January 07, 2005


Tom Cunliffe

how can one begin to understand the convoluted reasoning behind this proposal. I hate to say it, but only a man could come up with something quite so stupid.


That is just so so wrong. I wish they'd spend my tax dollars writing/debating laws that actually protect the citizens of the Commonwealth.


Wow. Just... wow.

Its repugnancy aside, what a bizarre, ass-backwards strategy. I mean, that kind of legal positioning would be an extension -- and a extreme and tenuous one at that -- of established reasoning of in already abortion-prohibitive state. Who would think to try to use an unlikely offshoot to advance the more basic concept (which itself has trouble gathering support)?

On its surface I suppose it might seem clever posturing, but it's grossly unrealistic. And a waste of tax dollars, as Suzanne points out. That legislation will go nowhere.

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