It's true, my voice changes depending on location, situation, company and mood. On approach to an OSH, it deepens and increases in volume. You don't f[you know--ead] with me while I approach a casualty, unless you can prove your qualifications out-rank mine, in which case they're all yours. Until then, it's loud, booming "back off bystanders, lemme at the leaking guy".
My 'approach' voice is remarkably similar to one of its cousins from my nannying days, it shares at least 98% of its genes with "Yes, I can see you stealing those biscuits [American = cookie --ead] I explicitly denied you 5 minutes ago. Go sit on the stairs."
Their similarity comes from their ability to assert myself as being absolutely the last word in the situation we're in.....until I'm happy with the end result, nothing's happening.
The mom voice, the female command voice, call it what you will, it does work. But you have to believe in it. (from Doc Shazam's blogroll, I think)