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Friday, April 01, 2005


Jonathan Lifschutz

It is a sad day when one of the finest Wilderness programs, CEDU's Ascent Wilderness Program, a program that saved my daughter's adolescence, and helped her to "get her life back" as she expresses it, and the other related emotional growth schools in the CEDU program have been so poorly managed by a "for profit" structure and "bottom-line" mentality that seems to run the holding company.

It is tragic that the holding company unilaterally closed down the CEDU program nationwide, with no substantive prior notice to those who care, to the staff. to the alumni parents, or to the families, and without any apparent efforts to try to effect a sale or conversion to a non profit status so that the work that was being done could continue.

I urge any who have an interest in salvaging the CEDU program to contact and include me in the process. Anyone interested in being part of such a process is asked to get in contact with me so that we can network with others to consider what, if anything,can be done to assist families and staff whose lives have been turned upside down by this process. I can be reached at my email address at [email protected].

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