Summary or index of posts to June 1, 2005
Law enforcement, e911, the 2004 Sheriff's race, teen affairs, and underage drinking:
- Problems with e911 and cell phones (not Blaine-specific)
- Underage drinking in Blaine County: Changing the Culture
- Diverting Teen Offenders in Blaine County
- Some History of e911 in Blaine County
- Underage Drinking: The Role of Law Enforcement
- Why Spanish fluency is needed for EMS and law enforcement
- Survey of Air Ambulance Services nation wide
- Teenaged drinking in Blaine County: national survey of breathalizer use in high schools
- Character First classes to reduce the demand for jail cells.
- Project Cornerstone: Teen Assets
- e911 promised for the middle of 2005
- Idaho's cost of caring for illegal immigrants' medical needs
- Support for Hispanic families: Programs that work elsewhere in Idaho
- Gangs in Blaine County: Gang Diversion that Works elsewhere in Idaho
- Crime Response in Idaho: State Crime Lab Underfunded, Overworked
- Liberty Lobby of Blaine County: Legalizing Marijuana
- Search and Rescue Resources
- Sheriff's Race 2004: Summary of on-line responses and opinions
- Sheriff's Race 2004: No "Crime Wave" In Blaine County
- Sheriff's Race 2004: Jeff Gunter a Friend to Kids
- Tasers in Blaine County
- Photo Essay: Community Service in Blaine County, Picking Up Trash
- Underage Drinking: Roadside Proof of Drinking & Driving
- Sarah Johnson and the death of her parents
Dalai Lama
Philanthropies and Charities
- About the Deer Creek Fund
- H O A X - or a spoof on the Heterogenetic Office of American Xenogenesis.
- Charities in Blaine County: Campfire Foundation
Development issues and articles:
- Deed-Restricted Housing in Sun Valley -- housing medical professionals
- Regional planning comes to Blaine county
- Blaine County Master Plan of Development Needs
- Critique of the low-income housing plan
- An Essay on What's Wrong With Aspen (need same for Blaine County)
Recreation: Snow Sports and Summer Activities
- The Greying of Skiing with links to active senior skiing clubs.
- Attracting the non-skiing spouse to ski resorts -- a survey of ideas
- A Verbal Picture of Skiing Baldy
- A Legend, Moss Man: He Lived IN the Hot Springs
- Photo Essay: A Trail Ride In Sun Valley