Here's my take on Blogging 101.
For the first session, I went to Blogging 101, lead by Susan Mernit and Julie Leung (I'd met Julie on-line before, so that's why I chose Blogging 101). Barbie2b liveblogged that session. More on that later.
The presentation is available from Susan Mernit, which will surely be more coherent than what follows.
what is your passion, what do you think would happen, -- you need to make a focus of some aspect of yourself,
There's no rule of what blogging should be, but it has to have force and soul. "The blog is not a press release"
Blogging as a way of finding your voice. You can experiment.
Question: how anonymous is anonymous --
"Invisiblog" -- you would need to
1. Register with "go daddy"
2. You might also use some other anonymous features
Editorial Insert: I found this useful post on how to protect your anonymity by Ethan Zuckerman and many people mentioned the article from the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) How to Blog Safely
3. Set up a unique email address AND BE DILIGIENT ABOUT USING IT ONLY FOR ANON. ITEMS.
Someone, IIRC, Susan, pointed out that it is easy to blow your own cover. One solution was
4. PUT PRIVATE blog on different blog platform from your PUBLIC blog so you don't inadvertently mix public & private info.
In the getting organized comments, Mobile Jones pointed to John Hawkins' post on 25 rules for bloggers (it is at RightWing News, if that bothers you).
Writing to be recognized, or writing for?....
There were a lot of people worried about security (more at the "How to Get Naked) report....this strikes me as quite silly. I get impatient. There are so many ways to be found out or exposed.
Dan Gillmor:
comment on news
reflect on community
promoting product or philosophy
market self or service (marketing our brand)
sharing self or interest
make a committment to do a good job
make a committment to post one or two a day
no substitute for a catchy or well-written headline
commenting as a way of building blogs
Kalily has one post and another post on the ethics of blogging.
Like I said, incoherent.
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