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Thursday, August 25, 2005



I was an extremley close friend
of darren.. i had just talked to
him that night before he died..
Waldo was such a good person
and after almost 2 months its
still so hard to believe hes gone..
Mitchel is one of my best
friends and he was so upset it
happened.. he was like a brother
to waldo.. loosing him was one
of the hardest things any of us
have ever had to go thru.. people
should realize some things just
arn't worth it and they should
try their best to make the most
of life.. waldo had wanted to do
that just one mistake took it all


Dear KD, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope Waldo's death can help to serve as a wake-up call for other young people.


Waldos death was not as it seemed there was more involed then most people know


i talked to Waldo (darren) the night he died.. actually a few hours before he died..he was a GREAT person who was SO fun to be around.. its been months since he died but hes still talked about daily..NONE of us can or will ever forget him... wish he was here.. thats why PEOPLE need to be more careful.. and OLDER people should know better then to give a 19year old who wasnt that big..LIQUR.. that was a stupid thing to do.. i realized blaming somone wont bring him back... nothing can.. thats what hurts the most

there is one thing im glad about..
The last words he said to me was "i promise ill be careful" and " i love you"




Darren A.K.A Waldo... My Big Brother I loved him soo much but i never really showed it until the year he moved out ma moms house... When I heard the news about his death ma heart dropped i want to run and scream but i couldn't ma body stiffend I froze for a few minutes and cried the one brother that always had my back, the one who understood me the best is now gone.. I saw him a couple nights a couple night before at his job and we chatted and I told him I loved Him.. I don't know what Iam gonna do without him but I know that he would want the best for me... I LOVE YOU AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART.. MY BLOOD, MY FLESH, MY EVERYTHING.. LOVE YA AND WE WILL MEET AGAIN...

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