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Sunday, August 07, 2005



Hey Liz,

I've been enjoying the BlogHer round-up posts. Just wanted to say that I'm a woman :D and I write the Genetics and Public Health Blog (, which was one of's Best of the Web health and fitness blogs ( Just wanted to give a toot on my horn. Hope you don't mind. :)


Thanks for the mention. :-)


Thanks for adding me, Liz. It tickled me to be called a tipster. :D

Kim Ponders

Thanks for thinking of me. I'm very interested in joining the network making it to BlogHerCon'06.


I would too...but I'll probably be out of the country by then. Marine Corps does that too you sometimes. ;-)


Thanks for the mention! I was sad to miss BlogHer, and it's oddly gratifying to know that my absence was noticed. :-) Maybe next year...!


Thanks so much for mentioning me! I did not even know that BlogHer existed.. I'll obviously have to be more prepared for the next time it comes around. :D

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