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Sunday, January 01, 2006


Whooping Cough Vaccine

I had to laugh after reading what you just wrote about the lady that WAS vaccinated, yet got Whopping cough 'supposedly' from an unvaccinated child. THen why was she vaccinated and why did she have that virus shoved into her body when it did more harm than good? The UNvaccinated children, like my own, should be the ones living in 'fear' as you sould put it. We are the ones that will DIE if we get the fatal diseases that have plaged our society. It's amazing how none of my children have ever gotten the flu, let alone really sick....but the children that get the flu vaccine...GET THE FLU!!!!!!! How do you justify that one? I would love to debate further on this issue and also from a chiropractic standpoint. I believe that we heal from the INSIDE-OUT...not by injecting foreign things into our bodies to show them how to function. What made the body, heals the happens no other way.


The previous commenter's name is Katie.  She reveals her ignorance:  She wrote "have that virus shoved into her body ".   The organism that causes pertussis is the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.  It's a bacterium, not a virus.

Katie writes, "the lady that WAS vaccinated, yet got Whopping cough (sic) ...why was she vaccinated"? Vaccination against whooping cough became nearly universal in the United States in the 1950s. The vaccine is given to infants. However, antibody-mediated immunity wanes in approximately ten years, leaving teens and adults unprotected. According to, "Neither acquisition of the disease nor vaccination provides complete or lifelong immunity." Other diseases requiring periodic re-vaccination include tetanus, also caused by a bacterium.  Unlike tetanus, whooping cough in adults is less severe, so until now, there has not been a recommendation for revaccination.

According to The online textbook of bacteriology, pertussis has two stages.  The first stage is called colonization, and may resemble the common cold.  It increases in intensity over about a 10-day period.  During this period, the victim is able to spread the disease because the bacterium is present in large numbers in bodily fluids such as mucus and saliva.

It is this stage that is most dangerous to those susceptible to the disease who are exposed to the victim, as the victim may not have obvious signs of serious illness. 

In countries where the vaccine is not used whooping cough is an important cause of mortality in children, with an estimated 51,000,000 cases and 600,000 deaths annually.

The second stage is where the characteristic cough develops.  It comes on gradually with prolonged and paroxysmal coughing that often ends in a characteristic inspiratory gasp (whoop). To hear the characteristic sound of whooping cough click whoop.wav (whoop.wav is copyright of Dr Doug Jenkinson, Nottingham, England. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, among teens who are infected with whooping cough,

up to 100% report paroxysmal coughing, difficulty breathing and difficulty sleeping, up to 70% have post-tussive vomiting, up to 65% have whoop, up to 2% have pneumonia, are hospitalized, or have a rib fracture, and up to 1% have a seizure or lose consciousness, the academy said.

I ask you, Katie (and other readers) would you want your child to undergo this preventable suffering?

Katie goes on to make a rather incoherent point:

The UNvaccinated children, like my own, should be the ones living in 'fear' as you sould put it. We are the ones that will DIE if we get the fatal diseases that have plaged our society. It's amazing how none of my children have ever gotten the flu, let alone really sick....but the children that get the flu vaccine...GET THE FLU!!!!!!!

I think what she is claiming is that children who are vaccinated get the diseases they are vaccinated against, while unvaccinated children remain healthy.

She bases this claim on her observation of her children and her children's acquaintance.  Unfortunately, case observations are not sufficient for proof, only to formulate a hypothesis.

Hypothesis for Disease X:   children not vaccinated against X do not contract X, while children who are vaccinated against X do contract X.

Prediction: there will be a statistical difference in rates of illness with X between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Experimental design:  The most stringent standard would be a large-scale double-blind study. 

But let us suppose that Disease X is a high-rate-of-mortality disease.  This imposes ethical questions.   Perhaps a cohort study   would be more appropriate. (In this instance, a cohort study would follow two matched groups of children: ones that have not been vaccinated against Disease X vs. those who have. )

How many children would we need?  The larger the cohort, the more robust the answer.    Let us posit 100 children who have been vaccinated, and 100 who have not.  Since Katie's hypothesis is that vaccination against Disease X causes an increased incidence of acquiring Disease X, we will formulate the hypotheses in those terms:

  • The null hypothesis would be that there is no difference--childen would fall ill with Disease X at the same rate, whether or not they had been vaccinated.
  • The alternative, two-tailed hypothesis would predict that children who had not been vaccinated against Disease X exhibited a lower risk of  falling ill with Disease
  • The alternative, one-tailed hypothesis would be that children who had not been vaccinated against Disease X had a markedly lower risk of falling ill with Disease X.

Katie closes by saying,

I would love to debate further on this issue and also from a chiropractic standpoint. I believe that we heal from the INSIDE-OUT...not by injecting foreign things into our bodies to show them how to function.

Katie, in order to debate, we have to be speaking the same language.  Belief is not enough.   Show me the numbers.

And while you are marshalling the numbers, I sincerely hope your children do not fall ill with pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diptheria, typhoid, tetanus, or any other preventable disease.


Go and get 'em Katie!

I have 3 children and have never vaccinated them. They grew up strong and healthy - far healthier than any other children I have seen! They rarely got colds too!

If you DO look at the numbers most cases of Whooping Cough right now are from those who HAVE BEEN vaccinated already! Mmm...doesn't make sense to me!!


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