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« The Entitled Generation | Main | Are Accomodations Unfair? »

Wednesday, March 29, 2006



I absolutely agree with your concern over Libby Lu. I'm outraged at how our little girls are becoming sexual adults - at age 6!!


Mamacita has a great rant on this subject:

Parents who want their daughters to look like sluts.

Children's Bedroom Furniture

These are quite challenging times we're living in when it comes to raising a little girl. My 4 year old daughter Jaiden is very much into singing and looks up to and is already attracted to the spectacle of scantily clad divas that roam our air waves. We are encouraging her singing ability however, we're concerned about the portrayal that we see in the media and if it is ultimately a healthy image for her to admire?

Is there anyone else out there who can relate?

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