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Friday, May 26, 2006


Jeff Wise

I happened to come across this blog on one of my many research endeavors. While you may be trying to debunk the online child predator statistics there are some things that you are missing. Yes statistics are heavily depended upon the data pool from which you can obtain information. Yet I am afraid that blogs like this as well as other websites that carry misinformation tend to hurt the endeavor to protect our children. This is one of the many reasons why I have decided to begin listing my research online. I will not hog up your blog with my data here so you can follow my links to find my supporting information. You can find my home page at and my child predator
research page
here. Please consider this information.

I have much more research to place online. In fact I may never finish getting all of it up and online there is so much. That portion of my site is a new addition and will be a continuous work in progress.

Long Beach Defense Attorney

What we need to remember is that those accused of these crimes are entitled to due process and the presumption of innocence, this is what our Constitution requires.

Long Beach Defense Attorney

One must also consider the fact that many persons arrested in the wide law enforcement net are often victims of overzealous law enforcement
for additional resources

Juvenile Advocate

As a juvenile attorney, I can say I have personally observed incidents of serious predation, there are myths however the bulk of the Juvenile Criminal Cases I have been involved in are legitimate.

Jessica Johnson

The entire system is flawed, the great debate over who to protect; our children or the presumed innocent sexual predator. Yes, the there are overzealous law enforcement, and sometimes people get convicted when they are innocent. That just doesn't happen with sexual predators though, it happens all the time, my personal openion is that the courts convict whomever is easiest - the reason why there has only been one convicted murder in my town (and yes, plenty of unsolved deaths).

Adults, not just children, need to adhear to a code of conduct. The issue that does not seem to come up is that most teens WANT what these sexual predators have to offer - is CAN be consenual. But that does not make it right, that is why we have laws telling us at what age we are allowed to start having sex, and with what age group. Why are these laws in place? Because minors are too imature to realize what is really going on, it's for their emotional and mental safty.

When an adult brakes the code of conduct they KNOW it's against the law, but they do not care - just as the imature teen does not care. It is a total disregard of the legal system, an ADULT is supposed to be mature enough to be past the rebelion stage and see the difference between themselves and a child.

The court may get a person on a technacality, but when said adult passed that line - 10/1 says they knew it.

Sexual predators ARE everywhere, I honestly cannot count the number of predators I know personally, and have come accross online. If people are freaking out over protecting our children, there is a reason for it, and adults need to be taking the insentive to protect them.


Strange how the article mentions MEN by sex, then ambiguously mentions adults.

There are plenty of female predators out there. Just look at the School statistics regarding adult teachers & underage children. Strange that female offenders don't get labeled as such or have to register as sex offenders.

Teachers in their 30's having sex with 12-14 year old boys- having babies, and it seems no one is complaining about that...

Santa Rosa DUI Attorney

Is this a new phenom? I wonder if this type of behavior was going on for years before I was born? Is the internet just allow people to interact?

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