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Thursday, May 25, 2006



August 2005- Karen McCarron sees psychiatrist for mental illness- very depressed and suicidal

Bonnie Vallance

Oh my! My relatives!
The Mc Carron's and Ryan's(congressman Leo Ryan and the Jonestown scandal) are like the Kennedy's.
Scandal seems to follow us! We need to reverently pray for peace.
I am of distant blood relation by the Mc Carron Clan. Walter Mc Carron the commissioner in The PBS documentary Angels too soon was my great Uncle. Along with the sucess are some failures.
People keep saying the MRS. is guilty yet she pled "not guilty" did someone see her do it? What happened?
Is she being given equal time?
I pray for this situation.
God Bless,


Come, Honor thier memories and comfort thier grieving family members

and "

Dayna Marcum

This depicts the worst possible outcome of a drastically misunderstood ailment many of our children face today. Personally, not knowing where to turn for answers (or for confirmation that there is some neurological vs behavioral imbalance with your own child) an immensely overwhelming stress cycle could have been easily adopted. Fortunately, there is a neurological research & development center being built by Texas Children's Hospital. Since its close to my heart, I'm helping get the word out and find out what kids of help people really need from a center such as this. What resources could this Neuro center give, other than a cure, hopefully naturally) for these neurological disorders, plaguing our kids today? What is most needed from your perspective?

Fast Eddie Swift


I hope she planned to cook it up too. It's the best way to help the economy.

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