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« Kenneth E. Elkins, 13, Died of Alcohol Poisoning | Main | Collaborative notetaking »

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Kay Smith

Thank you for posting the fraud info. about John MacKay Scholarships. My son has a disability and has completly benefited from the John MacKay Scholarship. I am EVER so grateful for my son's academic and social improvement from this grant. Which leads to a question, his school he attends is private and have notified the John MacKay recipients of a decrease in MacKay funds that includes the 2007-2008 school year. I had the understanding the John MacKay scholarship fund decreases would start the 2008-2009 school year. Do you know anything about this?


hola vivo en miami dade en hialiah tengo dos ninos una nina de 10 el nino que cumple 7 esta en el programa de nio con descapasida en una escula privada no entienedo que todo el dinero que le dan esta escuela no tenga programa especial y quiera ganar todo ese dienro ni protencion para esos ninos mi hijos fue abusado sexualmente en la escuela privada en un bano hoy por la escuela a mentindo

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