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Thursday, December 14, 2006


John A. Hayes

That the brain showes differences between third and fifth grade normal readers I would think of as expected. What would be unexpected would be that there were no differences.

It is well documented that the brain starts forming connections after birth that are the result of the information that it processes. The brain is not a static organ. To say (In other words, learning to read well and fluently changes the brain) infers that reading is different in that it changes the brain.

Living changes the brain! Watching TV changes the brain! Interacting with anything changes the brain! Most of the dramatic changes take place while the brain matures and is still forming connections so it would be expected to see changes when someone is learning a task at a young age.

I agree that it would be nice to find that you could see different benefits from different interventions using fMRI methods. As the state of the art is now I do not believe that anyone claims that with all of the differences that are seen that fMRI CAN EVEN TELL IF A PERSON IS DYSLEXIC OR NOT.

9 out of 10 dyslexics showed..............
1 out of 10 dyslexics must have tested in the normal range.

Did any non-dyslexics test in the range of the dyslexics?

Does anyone ever notice that these fMRI studies are just descriptive. The study I would like to see done is to have a mix of dyslexic and non-dyslexic people scanned and see how many dyslexics could be identified correctly without the researcher knowing which person was dyslexic.

I am not saying that fMRI studies are not valuable research just that they always focus on one area of the brain and find differences there between dyslexics and non-dyslexics.

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