My pal Karoli sent me a link to a discussion at WebMD, at Rod Moser_PA_PhD's blog, All Ears. The post is entitled AAARGH! Childhood Vaccines Do NOT Cause Autism!
Displayed in the comments section are the willful ignorance and anti-science beliefs of anti-vaxers.
This article about IQ testing autistics is really interesting....I'm all for healing kids, who cares what causes it, lets get on with helping them!
What other groups of children would this test suit do you think?
Research Report
Psychological Science
Volume 18 Issue 8 Page 657-662, August 2007
The Level and Nature of Autistic Intelligence
"We.....assessed a broad sample of 38 autistic children on the preeminent test of fluid intelligence, Raven's Progressive Matrices. Their scores were, on average, 30 percentile points, and in some cases more than 70 percentile points, higher than their scores on the Wechsler scales of intelligence. Typically developing control children showed no such discrepancy...."
Posted by: interesting article | Friday, September 21, 2007 at 03:07 PM