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Monday, October 15, 2007


From NH

Hello there,

I am sorry to hear about blogs closing! We know this disgraceful person that you are talking about. He is from Derry or Londonderry, NH...

I wish there was some way a restraining order could be put out on him.

You wouldn't believe he was a father of child with autism. What it stems from is profound guilt of not having his child in early intervention sooner. So, he turns to blame the government and everyone else for his child's condition.

He's a parent that has gone mad and needs to be locked up.

I feel sorry for the people he's hurt and continues to hurt.

He's located in NH, so if you can get a restraining order, do so!


Vince Steele

This piece of filth is currently destroying the Autism Awareness group on Facebook. He turned up a couple of days ago and we can't get rid of the annoying little prick!

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