Remember Kathy Sierra, Meankids, and the threatening posts? The behavior that caused Sierra to close her blog? The incident that had many talking and blogging about online civility and maybe the need for a "blogging code of conduct"?
Kevin Leitch's decision to close his blog, LeftBrain/RightBrain is the same melody, different words.
The thug assaulting Leitch isn't anonymous -- he's right out there in the open. And the threats weren't made against Kevin, but his seven year old daughter.
But the end result is the same: an important voice within a particular on-line community has been silenced by a thug and a bully.
Previous Posts Here
Anonymous, Hate-filled, Threatening Speech and Images
Stop Cyberbullying
Misogyny Online: The Importance of Witness
Stop Cyberbullying: Is a Zero-Violence Pledge The Way to Go?
Blogs Can Talk Past Each Other
Blog Civility
Blog Civility: Online Integrity Pledge
Craig Weller's Civility in Conflict
The Death of Civility
How To Disagree Online Without Being Disagreeable
Smart or Happy?
Laura at Apt 11D: Disagree or Attack?
Polarization and Moving the Middle
My Blogging Principles
Kathy Sierra / Meankids Wrap Up
Jim Turner / One-by-one media: Part I
Jim Turner / One-by-one media: Part II
Jim Turner / One-by-one media: Part III
Jim Turner / One-by-one media: Part IV--Epilogue
Wikipedia Troll (Internet)
CSI Working Paper: Managing Trolling in a Feminist Forum
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of the Internet
Cyberbullying Resources at Stop Cyberbullying
Hello there,
I am sorry to hear about blogs closing! We know this disgraceful person that you are talking about. He is from Derry or Londonderry, NH...
I wish there was some way a restraining order could be put out on him.
You wouldn't believe he was a father of child with autism. What it stems from is profound guilt of not having his child in early intervention sooner. So, he turns to blame the government and everyone else for his child's condition.
He's a parent that has gone mad and needs to be locked up.
I feel sorry for the people he's hurt and continues to hurt.
He's located in NH, so if you can get a restraining order, do so!
Posted by: From NH | Saturday, May 03, 2008 at 02:54 PM
This piece of filth is currently destroying the Autism Awareness group on Facebook. He turned up a couple of days ago and we can't get rid of the annoying little prick!
Posted by: Vince Steele | Monday, May 18, 2009 at 02:52 AM