Dakota Johnson was a football player on Elgin (Oklahoma) High school team, the Owls. Homecoming was Saturday, October 6, 2007, and the team scored a big victory. Sunday morning, Johnson was found unresponsive in his driveway.
As always, my deepest condolences to his family and friends.
The Chief of Police in Elgin is looking into whether or not the death of an Elgin High School student was alcohol related. Police say 16 year old Dakota Johnson was unresponsive when he was found lying on his back in his yard early Sunday morning. Despite attempts by first responders to save him, he was later pronounced dead at Reynolds Army Hospital. 7News has learned more about Johnson's final hours.
The medical examiner has not officially reported how the teen died. He says it will be at least a couple of more weeks before toxicology tests are complete. Elgin Police are waiting on the report, but aren't wasting any time investigating how Johnson died.
Based on preliminary reports, what was supposed to be a happy weekend for the Elgin Owls, following a big homecoming victory, turned into a time of mourning - all within 48 hours. Police Chief Carl Bremenkamp says sophomore Dakota Johnson was told by a doctor at Reynolds Army Hospital that it appeared that the teen had suffered cardiac arrest and alcohol poisoning. "That's what the doctor stated was the probable, probable cause of death," said Bremenkamp.
Since that time, Bremenkamp has been retracing Johnson's footsteps; he's investigating allegations that Johnson and other students attended a party Saturday night where they drank alcohol. He's also looking into whether he drank more at his home after his mother picked him up from the party. So far, the chief says information from Dakota's friends has been hard to come by.
"They're not telling me nothing to be honest with you. They're afraid of snitching each other out," says Bremenkamp. "I'm sure they are [worried about how Johnson died], they're just not telling us right now I think down the road and give them some time to get over the shock, the mourning period, I think they will come around and talk to us."
But, until then, all the chief can do is continue asking the tough questions and wait for science to provide answers if no one else will. And, if it turns out alcohol did play a role in Dakota Johnson's death, the chief says he wants to know where the alcohol came from. He says he's already met with the District Attorney and the ABLE Commission to get some advice on the investigation.
From http://www.koco.com/news/14326461/detail.html
ELGIN, Okla. -- Sophomore members of the Elgin High School football team will start in Friday night's game against Santa Fe South High School in honor of a teammate who died.
Ten underclassmen will take the field in a tribute to Dakota Johnson, 16, who died after he was found facedown in his yard on Sunday.
One position will be left open for Johnson, who played in the team's 28-7 homecoming win over Cache last Friday, officials said. Click here to find out more!
After the first play against the Oklahoma City school, the team will call a timeout for a moment of silence.
Nearly 1,000 people filled the high school gymnasium Thursday for Johnson's funeral.
"He was a great kid, a good student, a good athlete, a good citizen and a wonderful young man," said Tom Crimmins, Elgin school superintendent.
Investigators are trying to determine what caused the death.
Johnson's mother called paramedics after she found her son face-down in the back yard and unconscious. He was pronounced dead after being taken to a hospital at Fort Sill, said Elgin Police Chief Carl Bremenkamp.
An autopsy has been performed, but the cause of death is pending the outcome of toxicology screenings, the state medical examiner's office said.
Bremenkamp said he expects to begin interviewing Johnson's family and classmates in the next few days to aid in the investigation.
Word of Johnson's death spread quickly Sunday morning as students text messaged each other and school administrators prepared to help students deal with grief.
By Sunday afternoon, teachers had opened up the high school for grieving students to gather, Crimmins said.
"Our kids have been struggling all week," Crimmins said. "'Devastating' would be the word that I would use. He's got a lot of friends, and we're taking it real hard.
In 2004, at least nineteen people of college age died of alcohol toxicity (alcohol poisoning, alcohol overdose).
"There's no place that's actually keeping data on alcohol deaths"--Thomas Kunstman MD
In all cases, my deepest condolences to family and friends.
Underage Alcohol Deaths 2004
Underage Alcohol Deaths 2005
Underage Alcohol Deaths 2006
Signs of Alcohol Poisoning
depresses nerves that control involuntary actions such as breathing,
the heartbeat and the gag reflex that prevents choking. A fatal dose of
alcohol will eventually stop these functions. After the victim stops
drinking, the heart keeps beating, and the alcohol in the stomach
continues to enter the bloodstream and circulate through the system.
The victim may experience the following:
- Mental confusion, stupor, coma, unable to rouse the person
- No response to pinching the skin
- Vomiting while sleeping or unresponsive
- Seizures
- Slowed breathing (fewer than 8 breaths per minute)
- Irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between breaths)
- Hypothermia (low body temperature), bluish skin color, paleness
Alcohol Poisoning Requires Immediate Medical Attention
Alcohol Poisoning Cannot Be Reversed By:
- Drinking black coffee
- Taking a cold bath or shower
- Walking it off
The victim must have immediate medical attention.
Call 911, stay with the victim to prevent him choking on vomit, and tell emergency personnel how much alcohol the victim drank.
These Children Died of Alcohol Overdose, So Their Parents Started Foundations:
Taylor Webster's memorial foundation. Taylor died of alcohol poisoning at age 19-- Now his family and friends are working to get the message out, telling their stories and providing information on alcohol poisoning and the signs and symtoms of alcohol poisoning in hopes that lives will be saved.
Bradley McCue's memorial foundation. On November 5, 1998 Bradley turned 21. . He celebrated his birthday in a way that has become increasingly popular, drinking "his age in shots". That amount of alcohol was lethal and he died that night of alcohol poisoning.
Samantha Spady's memorial foundation. A 19-year old student at Colorado State University, Spady died of alcohol poisoning on September 5, 2004, "an unintentional tragedy." The Spadys say the SAM [Student Alcohol Management] Spady Foundation will develop peer-to-peer counseling and other services meant to reduce the risk of alcohol abuse.
Gordie Bailey's memorial foundation. The mission of the Gordie Foundation is to provide today’s youth with the skills to navigate the dangers of alcohol, and through education and promotion of self worth prevent alcohol poisoning, binge drinking and hazing.
Posted by: Liz D. | Thursday, January 03, 2008 at 01:34 PM
My mom never tkaled to me about alcohol or cigarettes or drugs, she was too busy doing them herself.Yet the very fact that I do not want to turn out like her is the reason I do not indulge in anything worse than chocolate.
Posted by: Soniya | Sunday, February 19, 2012 at 03:57 PM