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Monday, January 07, 2008


John Wills Lloyd

I like the metaphor. I think we're down to (estimating here) < 100 linear feet of filled shelves at home. However, that doesn't count the stack of current (inaccurate adjective) reads that are on a stool in the dining room. Nor does it include the ~60 linear feet at the office (which I purge frequently, much to students' delight).

I should post images.

Liza's Eyeview

I donated 3 banker boxes of books to Salvation Army, mostly my kids books but I still had a hard time letting go...


Have you discovered BookMooch yet?

This inspires me to clear out literary clutter because I can trade books in for points and it notifies me when anything on my wishlist is available. It also definitely cuts down on the impulse buys.

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