Conflict of Interest Disclosure relative to Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines
- I am a resident of the state of California
- I am the sole proprietor of the websites at , including
- The blog I Speak of Dreams on the whole reflects my interests and enthusiasms, as well as personal notes. It also serves as an aide-memoire for me.
- These interests and enthusiasms include issues having to do with private and public K-12 education, learning disabilities, teaching children with learning disabilities, and skeptical evaluation of claims of cures for various conditions. From time to time, I have blogged directly and explicitly on issues pertaining to autism, the education of persons with autism, the lack of evidence for vaccination in any form being a causative agent for autism, and issues having to do with autism in the media.
- To the best of my knowledge, none of my immediate family members has autism or is affected by autism.
- The blogs at are not legal entities, organizations, or businesses. The blogs are my hobby, which I support out of my own income. I do not accept funding or advertising.
- I do own stock in various enterprises in the healthcare sector of the US economy. To the best of my recollection, all such stocks were inherited from my parents' estate in the mid-1990s. The collective value of such shares amounts to no more than 1.4% of my net worth.
- To the best of my knowledge, dividend income from the entire healthcare sector of my securities portfolio has accounted to less than 1% of my annual income.
- In other words, I spend more on groceries and fuel for my vehicles than I earn from my healthcare sector securities. Big Agra and Big Oil has a much bigger influence on my finances than Big Pharma.