UPDATE FEBRUARY 2, 2010: The Lancet has retracted Wakefield's 1998 paper. Post collating the blogospheric response: On The Lancet's Retraction of Wakefield's 1998 Paper Alleging A Connection Between the MMR Vaccine and Autism
As Sullivan observed at LeftBrain/RightBrain
I’d really like to know how many times this has ever happened in the history of The Lancet. My guess is that it is a very (VERY) rare event.
Groups and individuals that continue to reference this paper will be showing themselves to be intellectually dishonest. I could compile a partial list of them now…Dr. Wakefield, Thoughtful House, Generation Rescue, TACA, the NAA…
Very very oversimplified synopsis:Andrew Wakefield was a UK physician who promulgated the idea that the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine was causal in autism. Many of the blog posts in "supporting the decision" list have more accurate summaries . For deep detail, readers are directed to Brian Deer's investigative research . For another element of the back-story, see David Gorski, blogging at Science-Based Medicine, on Anti-Vaccine Hero Andrew Wakefield: Scientific Fraud
On January 28, 2010, the body responsible for overseeing physician conduct in the United Kingdom handed down a verdict against Wakefield.The Panel concluded that these findings
which include those of dishonesty and misleading conduct, would not be insufficient to support a finding of serious professional misconduct. (p. 55)
The effect of Wakefield's false allegations on MMR update and disease in the UK.
Image source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8483865.stm
As I often do, I'll be collating blog responses, both positive and negative. I will be updating these silently (without indicating by "update") so please be checking back. Also, if I've missed any, please put a link in the comments and I'll add them to the lists.
Note: while I manage comments, I do not block or moderate them strictly, so feel free to comment away.
Those supportive of Wakefield and critical of the decision
- On Facebook, The Autism File formed a group Dr Wakefield's Work Must Continue
- Age of Autism, blogging at Age of Autism posts Medical Council Says Wakefield "Failed In His Duties," Was Dishonest
- Age of Autism, blogging at Age of Autism Organizations posts File First Amended Complaint Against UK General Medical Council
- Age of Autism, blogging at Age of Autism, posts False Testimony Deprives Lancet Doctors a Fair Hearing
- Age of Autism, blogging at Age of Autism, posts A Short Form FAQ about the Wakefield GMC Case
- Matthew, writing at Collective Evolution posts GMC Tries Dr. Wakefield; Still Can’t Prove His Claims About Vaccine Dangers To Be False
- Harry Hook, writing at The Final Redoubt, posts The Redoubt... Supports Andrew Wakefield
- Keith James Sinclair, writing at Heresy Watch posts Kangaroo Court
- Not a blog post but a statement from the organization, "We Support Dr. Andrew Wakefield" (http://www.wesupportandywakefield.com/) -- community in support of Wakefield.
- Not a blog post but a sort of press release from "Jenny McCarthy's Autism Organization Generation Rescue" A Statement from Generation Rescue in Support of Dr. Andrew Wakefield
- Rebecca Estepp, blogging at Age of Autism, posts Talk About Curing Autism Summarizes the UK GMC Findings
- Not a blog post but a press release from National Autism Association (NAA) Parents of Children with Autism Call Decision in Wakefield Trial a Threat to Medical Integrity
- Heidi Stevenson, blogging at Gaia Health, posts Dr. Wakefield Harrassment Continues: UK Charges "Professional Misconduct"
- Mark Blaxill, blogging at Age of Autism posts Naked Intimidation: The Wakefield Inquisition is Only the Tip of the Autism Censorship Iceberg
- Sid, blogging at Insidious, posts Scapegoat
- Barbara Loe Fisher, blogging at Vaccine Awakening, posts Vaccines: Doctor Judges & Juries Hanging Their Own
- Fiona Phillips, writing at the Mirror.co.uk, publishes MMR Doctor Just Guilty of Caring
- Age of Autism, blogging at Age of Autism posts Safeminds Supports Dr. Andrew Wakefield
- Age of Autism, blogging at Age of Autism posts Thoughtful House Responds to General Medical Council Findings
- Age of Autism, blogging at Age of Autism posts A Sad Day for the Future of Children
- Age of Autism, blogging at Age of Autism, posts Attorney Jim Moody Describes False Testimony at GMC Hearing
- Martin Walker, blogging at Age of Autism, posts Eyewitness Report from the Wakefield, Walker-Smith, Murch Hearing
- William R. Long writing at AutismOne publishes On Second Looking Into The Case of Andrew Wakefield
No Date
January 28 2009
January 29, 2010
January 30, 2010
January 31
February 3 2010
Those critical of Wakefield and supporting the decision
- On Facebook, The Family Voyage formed a group: Parents and autistic people supporting GMC rulings against Andrew Wakefield
- Kathleen Seidel blogging at Neurodiversity posts U.K. General Medical Council Rules Wakefield & Co. "Dishonest," "Irresponsible" (extracts from the opinion)
- Emily Willingham blogging at A Life Less Ordinary posts GMC: Wakefield acted "dishonestly and was misleading" (Emily's response to list of links to UK responses.)
- Ben Goldacre, blogging at Bad Science posts The Wakefield MMR Verdict(But there is the wider context: Wakefield was at the centre of a media storm about the MMR vaccine, and is now being blamed by journalists as if he were the only one at fault. In reality, the media are equally guilty.)
- Kevin Leitch blogging at LeftBrain/RightBrain posts Andrew Wakefield, What Were You Expecting to Happen?
- Sullivan blogging at LeftBrain/RightBrain posts General Council Hands Down First Decision on Andrew Wakefield/RightBrain
- Phil Plait blogging at Bad Astronomy posts Antivaxxer movement leader found to have acted unethically
- KWombles blogging at Countering Age of Autism posts Chirp, Chirp, or Why The Age Of Autismers Will Become Even More Entrenched In Their Positions
- PodblackCat blogging at Podblack posts Wakefield Acted Against Best Interest of Children--GMC
- Steven Novella, M.D., blogging at Neurologica posts Andrew Wakefield"Acted Unethically"
- Tigtog, blogging at Hoyden About Town and at Larvatus Prodeo posts And Still They Defend Him
- Cubik's Rube, blogging at Cubick's Rube posts Wakefield: Officially Sh!t.
- Socrates, blogging at the New Republic, posts Wakefield Roasted by GMC
- Skepdude, blogging at Skepfeeds, posts Andrew Wakefield in deep sh#$
- April Peveteaux, blogging at Mother'Ish Brooklyn (True Slant) posts Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s MMR studies are unethical
- Anorak News, blogging at Anorak News posts Dr Andrew Wakefield And MMR: The Making Of A Media Scare Story
- Rachel, blogging at 4.5 Billion Years of Wonder, posts Andrew Wakefield: Dishonest and Irresponsible
- Patricia E Bauer, blogging at Disability News, Posts Doctor Censured Over Research Claiming Vaccine-Autism Link
- The Crack Emcee, blogging at The Macho Response posts Forget All That, Arrest Him on A Fashion Violation
- Andrew, blogging at My God, It's Raining posts In Other News, The World Is Still Insane
- F. Paul Wilson, blogging at The Next Question (True Slant) posts MMR Scare Doctor Acted 'Unethically'
- Jenny Alice, blogging at Into the Woods, Living Deliberately, posts I Have A Lot To Say
- Seth Kalichman, blogging at Denying AIDS and other oddities posts Andrew Wakefield is Accountable for Vaccine-Autism Hysteria - Wake up call to AIDS Denialist quacks
- Crankylitprof, blogging at Cranky Epistles, posts A**hole doctor responsible for false MMR/autism claim gets his.
- Science Mom and Catherina, blogging at JusttheVax, post GMC ruling on Andrew Wakefield in and a reminder why MMR is important
- Autism Science Foundation, blogging at Autism Science Foundation Blog, posts UK GMC Ruling: Wakefield “Acted Dishonestly and was Misleading” with Autism/MMR Research
- Sharon, blogging at The Voyage, posts Andrew Wakefield Verdict -- Guilty
- The Mad Skeptic, Blogging at The Mad Skeptic, posts Breaking News: Andrew Wakefield May Be Stripped of his Medical License
- Tanya Joseph, blogging at Tanya Joseph, posts The Truth About MMR
- Mike Broad, blogging at Hospital Dr, posts How Do We Repair the Damage of the MMR Debacle?
- Nanobotswillenslaveusall, blogging at Nano Bots Will Enslave Us All, posts An Update on the 'MMR vaccines cause autism' business
- Lewis Denby, blogging at Lewis Denby, posts Not The Doctor
- Maggie Koerth-Baker, blogging at Boing Boing, posts Doctor Who Created MMR Scare Could Lose His License
- Steve Salzberg, blogging at Genomics, Evolution, and Pseudoscience, posts Wakefield's claims about MMR vaccine ruled "dishonest and irresponsible"
- Sam, blogging at Uncle Sam's Cabin posts Scientist Behaving Abominably: Updated
- Kwombles. blogging at Countering Age of Autism, posts Tweeting Nonsensical Hyperbole from Kim Stagliano and Age of Autism: Wakefield Not Classy
- Misty, blogging at Shakesville:posts Dishonest, Irresponsible, and With Callous Disregard
- jdc325 (James Cole) blogging at Stuff and Nonsense, posts Andrew Wakefield: Misleading and Irresponsible
- Skepacabra blogging at Skepacabra posts Anti-vaxxers unite to defend their infallable prophet
- Skeptical DoDo, blogging at Minot Skeptical Society, posts Andrew Wakefield Found Guilty.
- Horse Goes West, blogging at Horse Goes West, posts Wakefield Proves to Be Unethical Quack
- Landon Ross, blogging at The Rational Ape, posts Founder of the Anti-Vaccine Movement Found Guilty of Misconduct
- Lee Wise, blogging at Lee's Blog, posts Verdict Against Wakefield
- Depleted Cranium, blogging at Bad Science Blog, posts Andrew Wakefield: Disgraced, Unethical and an Outright Liar
- Taylor Selseth, blogging at My Autistic Life, posts Dr. Andrew Wakefield Has The Book Thrown At Him For His Nonsense
- Ronald Bailey, writing at Reason Hit & Run, posts Researcher Who Sparked the Vaccine/Autism Scare "Acted Unethically"
- RangelMD posting at RangelMD posts Who Says Dishonesty Doesn't Pay?
- David N. Brown, blogging at Countering Age of Autism, and Autism News Beat posts Wakefield’s Inquisition: Abuse of the legal system and media by anti-vaccine “doctor”
- Not a blog post but a statement from Sense (UK association for deafblind and rubella) Sense responds to the General Medical Council’s verdict on Dr Andrew Wakefield
- Shannon des Roches Rosa, blogging at BlogHer,posts Verdict for Vaccination Boogeyman
- John Jay Ray, Blogging at Food & Health Skeptic, posts Fall of ‘dishonest’ doctor who started MMR scare
- Alison Singer, blogging at Autism Science Foundation Blog, posts Time to put the MMR autism scare behind us.
- Zenbuffy, blogging at And Another thing posts Too Little, Too Late,
- Anna Sayburn, blogging at Work In Progress, posts Unfashionable Unreported Lifesaving Research
- Penny Mellor, blogging at Shaken Baby and Unsafe Convicitions, posts Andrew Wakefield V David Southall and Martin Samuels
- Ollie Randall, blogging at Echoblog posts The Science of Lies
- Squid, blogging at Squidalicious, posts A Formal Spanking for Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Vaccination Boogeyman
- BlueLyon, blogging at BlueLyon posts Andrew Wakefield Rebuked
- SnarkyBites, blogging SnarkyBites at posts Anti-vaccination Movement Founder Found Dishonest and Irresponsible
- Kate, blogging at Small Dead Animals: Roadkill Diaries posts Researcher Acted "Dishonestly and Irresponsibly"?
- Steven Salzberg, blogging at The Science Business (Forbes Magazine) posts U.K. Panel Finds MMR Vaccine Study Leader Acted 'Dishonestly And Irresponsibly'
- Andy Coghlan, writing at New Scientist posts Damning verdict on doctor who linked MMR and autism
- JennyAlice, blogging at Into The Woods, Living Deliberately posts My Bad Dreams: MMR, Wakefield, and Advocacy
- DeeTee, blogging at The Lay Scientist posts The GMC on Wakefield
- Sullivan, blogging at LeftBrain / RightBrain, posts The GMC on the Birthday Party Blood Draws
- Emily Willingham at A Life Less Ordinary and Facebook: Pretend His Name Isn't Wakefield
- Sullivan, blogging at LeftBrain / RightBrain, posts Did Andrew Wakefield Plan To Develop "Vaccine Alternatives"?
- Joseph, blogging at Natural Variation--Autism Blog, posts Wakefield Is Not Galileo
- Michael Fumento, blogging at Open Market.org, posts Brit M.D. who tied MMR vaccine to autism "acted dishonestly and irresponsibly
- Aillas, blogging at Vet CAM Commonsense posts Two Sides to Every Story -- The Truth vs. Andrew Wakefield
- Evan Harris, M.D., Member of Parliament blogging at Dr. Evan Harris MP posts Dr Andrew Wakefield and the MMR Scare -- Evan on C4 News
- Susan Heaton Wright, Blogging at the Executive Voice, posts The Dishonesting and Suffering as a Result of the MMR Scandal
- Philip Alcabes, blogging at Philip Alcabes, posts Autism and the MMR Vaccine
- Skeptico, blogging at Skeptico, posts Andrew Wakefield Unethical So Age of Autism Stands By Him
- IP, blogging at Modus Dopens, posts MMR Panic
- John Kingman, blogging at Deep Subject, Posts Thoughtful House--Think Again.
- AnthonyS, Blogging at Alterdestiny, Posts Making It Official
- Luimbe, blogging at Luimbe.com posts Vaccines Don't Cause Autism But Quacks Hurt Children
- Bertalan Meskó, blogging at Science Roll, posts Autism and MMR Vaccines: Finally an Answer.
- Ted McLaughlin, blogging at Jobsanger, posts "Vaccines Cause Autism" Doctor Discredited
- Jonathan Adler, blogging at the Volokh Conspiracy, posts "Anti-vaccine Scientist Acted Dishonestly and Irresponsibly"
- Sadderbutwisergirl, blogging at A Time Will Come posts On Medical Ethics and Blood Drawing
- Orac, blogging at Respectful Insolence, posts They're Coming Out of the Woodwork
- Anonymous Widower, blogging at The Anonymous Widower, posts Fraud in Medical Research
- Larian LeQuella, blogging at Facts not Fantasy posts Andrew Wakefield Unethical So Age of Autism Stands By Him
- Brian Deer, writing at The Times Online, publishes 'Callous, unethical, and dishonest': Dr. Andrew Wakefield
- Anthony Cox, blogging at Black Triangle, posts Wakefield--Deer's Verdict
- Maggie, blogging at The Skeptic's Book of Pooh Pooh, posts The doctor who sparked the MMR controversy “showed a callous disregard” for the suffering of children and “abused his position of trust”, a disciplinary panel has ruled.
- John Wills Lloyd, blogging at EBDblog, posts Wakefield findings: Pro and Con
- Bill Ahern, blogging at A Radical Behaviorist, posts Dishonest, discredited, and absent: Wakefield is thoughtless at home
- Griffin's Gadgets, blogging at Griffin's Gadgets, on Final Chapter in the MMR-Autism Scandal
- Orac, blogging at Respectful Insolence, posts The Martyrdom of St. Andy
- David Gorski, blogging at Science-Based Medicine, posts The General Medical Council to Andrew Wakefield: “The panel is satisfied that your conduct was irresponsible and dishonest”
- Kristina Chew, blogging at Care2.com, posts Vaccines, Autism, Bad Research and the Damage Wrought by Andrew Wakefield
- Michael Fitzpatrick, blogging at Spiked! posts The War on Dr. Wakefield: Only 12 Years Too Late
- Liane Carter, blogging at Parenting Blog at The New York Times, posts The False Prophets of Autism.
- Mike Stanton, blogging at Action for Autism, posts Wakefield The Honorary Consultant ("Wakefield has never treated a child for autism. I do not know if he has ever treated a child for anything")
No Date
January 28 2009
January 29 2009
January 30, 2009
January 31
February 01, 2010
February 02, 2010
February 03, 2010
A tangential look at why those loyal to Wakefield will not abandon him: http://counteringageofautism.blogspot.com/2010/01/chirp-chirp-explaining-mass-delusions.html
Posted by: kwombles | Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 02:13 PM
Awesome compilation, Liz. I am sure it will grow as more folks have the chance to read the entire report and look at the fallout. Stagliano is tweeting on how classy Wakefield is, which led to another blogpost on Countering: http://counteringageofautism.blogspot.com/2010/01/tweeting-nonsensical-hyperbole-from.html
Posted by: KWombles | Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 05:39 PM
Dear Kim,
thanks for keeping me up to date.
Your first post, in the list of "Those critical of Wakefield and supporting the decision" is #7 & the second is #35
Posted by: Liz Ditz | Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 07:51 PM
:-) It's nice to see how many critical of Wakefield are blogging about it compared to those who support him and are remaining quiet.
Posted by: kwombles | Friday, January 29, 2010 at 03:37 AM
For years, Wakefield supporters have argued that there were two studies/projects not one. And it was under the other project that they had ethical committee approval.
I thought this was just an illusion. Turns out there was a 2nd 'project'. It was blanket approval for Professor Walker-Smith to take 2 extra biopsies (no big deal) during colonscopies he performed.
For the details we have the nice people at Age of Autism to thank.
For details read:
Posted by: sheldon101 | Friday, January 29, 2010 at 09:33 AM
Thanks for compiling Liz. You are gracious including both sides of this conversation.
Posted by: jennyalice | Friday, January 29, 2010 at 11:35 AM
What an interesting idea for a blog!
I am also very glad to see that the preponderance of those for the decision heavily outweigh those against!
I hope other fringe groups who oppose solid science in favor of emotions take heed of this decision. AIDS Denialists and Climate Change Deniliasts need to carefully weigh the science.
Posted by: J Todd DeShong | Friday, January 29, 2010 at 03:05 PM
Great compilation and thanks for the inclusion of my article. I'm just sorry that because only the ideologues support Wakefield that you had to pad the list w/ so many Age of Autism blog entries.
Posted by: Skepacabra | Friday, January 29, 2010 at 04:42 PM
Liz could you add a link to the Facebook page for those in favour of the decision.
Thanks, Sharon
Posted by: Sharonf | Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 05:50 AM
Done, Sharon.
Posted by: Liz Ditz | Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 08:39 AM
I just posted on Andrew Wakefield today. His lack of ethics is shocking to say the least. The URL for my posts can be found here: http://generationyidealism.blogspot.com/2010/01/on-medical-ethics-and-blood-drawing.html
Please add that to the list and I hope people enjoy reading that.
Posted by: Sadderbutwisergirl | Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 02:40 PM
Bill Ahearn, posting on Psychology Today
Posted by: Broken Link | Monday, February 01, 2010 at 04:31 AM
Great to see how many have written on this!
Posted by: kwombles | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 at 05:05 AM
Dr. Wakefield's misconduct is damaging on many levels: He touched off unnecessary controversy over the safety/efficacy of vaccines, and, perhaps even worse, casts suspicion on any and all medical research that will follow. (Does aspirin really relieve headaches?)
Trust in the integrity of doctors and medical research has been deeply damaged.
This is Exhibit A for why we still need a robust and skeptical press, including a more vigilant Lancet. We won't get fooled again (I hope).
Posted by: Dave Wilson | Wednesday, February 03, 2010 at 10:19 AM
I am glad to see the list of Wakefield detractors is growing and growing!
Great work, Liz.
Posted by: J Todd DeShong | Friday, February 05, 2010 at 09:34 AM