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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hugo Verbrugh

Are you aware that Steiner schools have known this principle for over decades, and are applying it in teaching language?

Liz Ditz

The Steiner (Waldorf) schools here in the US do nothing of the kind. They talk the right talk (phonemic awareness and both synthetic & analytic phonics) but what actually happens is a botched sort of whole language.

Dotty Barco

I am so happy that something is being created that dyslsexic children can actually get:
1 - a visual clue
2- and auditory clue
3 - as well as a kinetic clue if they are using the keys (toggles) on the keyboard. Pathways to the mind.... how wonderful!

New Jordans

zhongguo gongchan dang shi xianjin shengchanli de daibiao!

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