Update September 15, 2010. What I find really curious is the lack of response from the most vocal proponents of the "autism is vaccine injury" meme and the "autism is mercury poisoning" meme.
Update September 16, 2010. SafeMinds, Generation Rescue, and Age of Autism have produced a response.
The paper, published Monday September 13, 2010 in Pediatrics, is titled "Prenatal and Infant Exposure to Thimerosal From Vaccines and Immunoglobulins and Risk of Autism", Price et al. (2010). If you want to read it yourself: Download Prenatal and Infant Exposure to Thimerosal From Vaccines and Immunoglobulins and Risk of Autism
I will keep adding to this list as I find new discussions.
Discussions of the paper generally favorable to the conclusions
- David Gorski, MD at Science-Based Medicine: The Final Nail in the Mercury-Vaccine Hypothesis http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=6775
- Sullivan (PhD) at LeftBrain/RightBrain: Thimerosal in Vaccines Did Not Cause An Autism Epidemic http://leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk/2010/09/thimerosal-in-vaccines-did-not-cause-an-autism-epidemic/
- Orac, MD at Respectful Insolence The big pharma conspiracy once again crushes the idea that mercury in vaccines causes autism http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2010/09/the_big_pharma_conspiracy.php
- Steven Novella MD at Neurologica The Long Awaited CDC Trial on Thimerosal and Autism http://www.theness.com/neurologicablog/?p=2294
- Steven Novella MD at SkepticBlog The Long Awaited CDC Trial on Thimerosal and Autism http://skepticblog.org/2010/09/13/the-long-awaited-cdc-trial-on-thimerosal-and-autism/
- John Gever, Senior Editor at MedPage Today: Insurance Claims Data Fail to Support Thimerosal-Autism Link http://www.medpagetoday.com/Pediatrics/Autism/22131
- Melissa Healy at Booster Shots (LA Times) Once more, no link found between vaccine preservative and autism http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots/la-heb-thimerosal-autism-20100913,0,4826844.story?track=rss
- Prometheus at Photon in the Darkness They DID a Study http://photoninthedarkness.com/?p=198
- Frederik Joelving, Reuters No Link found between vaccine mercury and autism http://ca.reuters.com/article/topNews/idCATRE68C1CZ20100913
- Shaun Heasley at Disability Scoop Autism not linked to vaccine preservative thimerosal, study indicates http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2010/09/12/thimerosal-vaccines-study/10158/
- Autism Science Foundation Blog: Another study shows no link between autism and thimerosal http://autismsciencefoundation.wordpress.com/2010/09/13/another-study-shows-no-link-between-autism-and-thimerosal/
- Kev Leitch at LeftBrain/RightBrain Signal vs. noise http://leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk/2010/09/new-thimerosalautism-paper-signal-vs-noise/
- bMartin at Pathophilia Study: Postnatal Exposure to Thimerosal Reduces Autism Risk http://bmartinmd.com/2010/09/thimerosal-reduces-autism-risk.html
- Scott Gavura at Science-Based Pharmacy More Evidence that mercury in vaccines doesn't cause autism http://sciencebasedpharmacy.wordpress.com/2010/09/13/more-evidence-that-mercury-in-vaccines-doesnt-cause-autism/
- Jennifer Goodwin, Health Day News More Evidence That Vaccines Don't Cause Autism: Children exposed to high, low levels of thimerosal had similar odds for the disorder, study found http://consumer.healthday.co/Article.asp?AID=643005
- Katie Drummond, AOL news New CDC study debunks link between vaccines, autism http://www.aolnews.com/health/article/new-cdc-study-debunks-link-between-vaccines-autism/19631173
- Sullivan at LeftBrain/RightBrain Questions and Answers with the thimerosal-autism study author http://leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk/2010/09/questions-and-answers-with-the-thimerosal-autism-study-author/
- Emily Willingham at A Life Less Ordinary? Pediatrics study finds no link between thimerosal exposure via vaccines and autism http://daisymayfattypants.blogspot.com/2010/09/pediatrics-study-finds-no-link-between.html
- Miriam Falco, at Paging Dr. Gupta (CNN) http://pagingdrgupta.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/14/study-no-increased-autism-risk-from-mercury-based-perservative-in-vaccines/
- The Autistic Journalist Vaccine Plot Thickens With New Government Study http://autisticjournalist.wordpress.com/2010/09/13/vaccine-plot-thickens-with-new-government-study/
- Michael Unger MD at DrSuess Blog Vaccine Autism Debate-- Part 2, the follow up http://seussmd.wordpress.com/2010/09/13/vaccine-autism-debate-part-2-the-follow-up/
- Amanda Jacques at Rochester Holistic Health (Examiner.com) Study on the effect of mercury in vaccines supports earlier research showing no link to autism http://www.examiner.com/holistic-health-in-rochester/study-on-effect-of-mercury-vaccines-supports-earlier-research-showing-no-link-to-autism-video
- Kristina Chew at Care2.com Yet Another Study Refutes Vaccine-Autism Link http://www.care2.com/causes/health-policy/blog/yet-another-study-refutes-vaccine-autism-link/
- Salynn Boyles at WebMD CDC study shows no vaccine, autism link http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/news/20100913/cdc-study-shows-no-vaccine-autism-link
- C.S. Wyatt at The Autistic Me Vaccine Studies http://theautisticme.blogspot.com/2010/09/vaccine-studies.html
- Bonnie Says at Hollywood Life Jenny McCarthy — Childhood Vaccines DO NOT Cause Autism! It’s Time for You to Renounce Your Claim. Children’s Lives Are at Stake! http://www.hollywoodlife.com/2010/09/14/bonnie-says-jenny-mccarthy-childhood-vaccines-autism/#comments
- Orac at Respectful Insolence SafeMends swings at Price et al. and misses http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2010/09/safeminds_swings_at_price_et_al_and_miss.php
Discussions of the paper generally critical of the conclusions
- Power Point Paradise: Yahoo readers’ super comments @ shady US CDC autism/mercury research! http://powerpointparadise.com/blog/2010/09/yahoo-readers-comment-war-over-autismmercury-research/
- John Stone and Clifford Miller, blogging at Child Health Safety: Mercury As A Cause of Autism – More Denialist Junk “Science” from Pediatrics Journal http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/2010/09/14/mercury-denialism-pediatrics
- John Stone and Clifford Miller, blogging at Child Health Safety: Mercury & Autism – Naming and Shaming Dr Gorski & “Science Free Zone” Bloggers
http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/2010/09/14/science-free-web-saddoes/ (Note: this post repeats my list, above, and changing only the clickable text. Nice work, gentlemen.) - SafeMinds response: Download Safeminds915
- Age of Autism SafeMinds Response to Thimerosal and Autism Pediatrics Study http://www.ageofautism.com/2010/09/safeminds-response-to-thimerosal-and-autism-pediatrics-study.html
The Autism spectrum disorder fluctuates in disposition and how severe it is, occurring across all races, socio-economic sets and in any age. The specialists assess that 3to6 kids from every one thousand would have ASD. The male gender is four folds more prone to having ASD. The Autistic Disorder, at times is also known as classical ASD or autism is a vastly acute ASD type.
Posted by: Autistic Disorder | Monday, March 07, 2011 at 12:38 AM
There is all this debate about whether vaccinations are the cause of autism. Sure there may be evidence to show that autism appeared after a vaccination, but there is also evidence that suggests vaccinations aren't the MAIN culprit.
Posted by: Link between vaccines and autism | Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 10:45 PM