I'll be updating this silently, and keeping it at the top of the blog, from November 2-November 6, 2010.
Back on October 18, Orac published November 1-6 to be "Vaccine Awareness Week"? Not so fast, Barbara Loe Fisher and Joe Mercola!,
Orac issued the following call to action:
I now request that any and all skeptical bloggers out there also take advantage of Vaccine Awareness Week to do the same...
Joe Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher want to declare a week "Vaccine Awareness Week" in order to bury readers in a deluge of pseudoscience? Surely we can do better than they can and make sure that when anyone Googles "vaccine awareness," what is found is not the current list of anti-vaccine pseudoscience but rather a flood of rational, science-based discussions of vaccines and refutations of the lies of the anti-vaccine movement. What I'd love to see from November 1-6 are a tsunami (word choice intentional) of posts that:
- Include science-based discussions of the safety and efficacy of vaccines
- Include science-based refutations of anti-vaccine misinformation
- Specifically refute posts by Joe Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher during that week. (You can throw in Age of Autism, too, if you like.)
There have been several indications that there will be one or more aggregators, but it never hurts to have more.
On Twitter, you can follow discussions with the #vaxfax tag. If you don't use Twitter, but still want to follow along, you can go to http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23vaxfax.
Other Aggregations
Reliable sources of information
- National Network for Immunization Information (NNii)
- Vaccine Safety Institute, Johns Hopkins University
- History of Vaccines website
- Vaccine Central
- antiantivax.flurf.net
- Sense about Science: MMR Vaccine
Here's the list. I may rewrite headlines--some excellent bloggers don't write fully informative headlines.
October 18
- Orac at Respectful Insolence November 1-6 to be "Vaccine Awareness Week"? Not so fast, Barbara Loe Fisher and Joe Mercola!,
- Todd W. at Silenced by Age of Autism Vaccine Awareness Week
- PalMD at White Coat Underground Mercola Appears to Lie about Vaccines and Fertility (#vaxfax)
- Steven Novella MD at Neurologica Blog Vaccine "Mis"Information Week
- at Skepacabra Vaccine Denialists Declare First Week of November Vaccine Awareness Week
October 19
- Nescio, MD at Primum Non Nocere Correcting Misinformation week-week
October 20
- Scott Gavura at Science-Based Pharmacy Time for Some #Vaxfax
- Scott Gavura at Skeptic North Time for Some Skeptic North #Vaxfax
October 22
- Skeptically Speaking #82: Vaccines -- an Interview with David Gorski MD
October 27
- Darcy Cowan at Skepticon Vaccine Awareness Week
October 28
- Jen Gunter MD at Preemie Primer: Flu Vaccine: Promote Facts not Fear
- Grant Jacobs at Code for Life Vaccine Promotion: The Medium Matters Too
October 29
- Bing McGhandi, PhD at Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes Are You Planning To Write in Support of Science?
- The University of Auckland Library at Tamaki Library blog Misinformation spread about HPV vaccine
October 30
- Heathen Mike at Mike's Weekly Skeptic Rant Argument with Science Opponent
October 31
- Jen Gunter MD at Preemie Primer Vaccines 101
- Jonathan Turley at res ipsa loquitur Vaccine Awareness Week
November 1
- David Gorski MD at Science-Based Medicine What Does Anti-Vaccination Mean, Anyway?
- Orac at Respectful Insolence Raymond Obomsawin is still spreading the Same Misinformation
- Steven Novella at Neurologica Joseph Mercola Misinformation and Fear Mongering
- Steven Novella at SkepticBlog Joseph Mercola Misinformation and Fear Mongering About Vaccines
- Nescio MD VVaccine Unawareness Week
- Wendy Sue Swanson at Seattle Mama Doc, Understanding Vaccinations
- Alexander Cheezem at A View from the Boundaries Open Letter to Buzz Aldrin
- Chris at Science-Based Parenting Chicken Pox Isn't Really So Trivial
- Val Jones MD at Better Health Top 10 Reasons to Get Your Shots
- Geoffrey York at the Globe and Mail Anti-Polio Battle on Verge of Victory
- Todd W at Silenced by Age of Autism: Getting the Word Out
- Liz Ditz at I Speak of Dreams On Vaccine Fears, Autism as "Vaccine Injury", and Parental Beliefs
- Leart Shaka at Vaccine Central: Misconception of the Day: Aluminum in Vaccines and at VaccineTimes Misconception of the Day: Aluminum in Vaccines
- Sheldon at Vaccines Work What's Acceptable Amongst Vaccination Opponents
- Bing McGhandi, PhD at Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes Should We Be Vaccinating Health Care Workers?
- KittyWhumpus at Baby Whumpus Vaccine Awareness Week (the Evidence-Based Version)
- Darcy Cowan at Skepticon Anti-Vaccination in New Zealand
- Leart Shaka at Vaccine Central: Bill Gates--Hero or Villain (tackling Mike Adams' lies about Gates and vaccination)
- Scott at Imperator Fish They Can't Vaccinate Against Tin-Foil Hat Syndrome
- Composer99 at Idomatic Composition Vaccines and Anti-Vaccine Sentiment
November 2
- Hebert at Skeptic North The Faces of Vaccine (Un)Awareness Week
- Orac at Respectful Insolence The Strange Science and Ethics of the Anti-Vaccine Movement
- Harriet Hall MD at Science Based Medicine Journal Club Debunks Anti-Vaccine Myths
- Peter Trzeciak at Pete's Wicked Blog Vaccine Awareness Week
- Jen Gunter MD at Preemie Primer Show Your Love for a Preemie: Get Up To Date on Your Vaccines
- Simon Menanteau-Ledouble at She Thought F*cking vaccines, How do they work!
- Steven Novella MD at Neurologica Blog The Chicken Pox Story
- Skepacabra at Skepacabra Major Holes in the Autism / Vaccine Hypothesis
- Scott Gavura at Science-Based Pharmacy Canadian Flu Update 2010
- Ben Harack at Vision of Earth Science Denial: GMOs, Vitamins, and Vaccines
- Georgia Tech: Study Reveals Factors that Affect H1N1 Vaccine Coverage
- M. Celeste Jackson at Your Hub Vaccine Preventable Disease in Colorado's Children
- Mom to the Screaming Masses: Scrutiny by the Masses: GSK, the Flu Shot, and Me
- Michelle at Skeptics in the Pub: Anti-Vaccination Talking Points & Some Facts for Rebuttal
- Alison Campbell at BioBlog On Polio
- Composer99 at Idomatic Composition The Consequences of Anti-Vaccination
November 3
- Bing McGhandi, PhD at Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes Mayer Eisenstein's Ludicrous Existence
- Steven Novella MD at Science-Based Medicine A Shot in the Dark Revisited
- David Gorski MD at Science-Based Medicine Skeptically Speaking with Dr. Gorski
- Ken Reibel at Autism News Beat Vaccine Rejectionism's Fresh Start
- Prometheus at Photon in the Darkness: Three Popular Anti-Vaccination Myths Demolished
- Leart Shaka at Vaccine Central Analysis of Anti-Vax Graphs on Robert Webb's previously published essay Analysis of Anti-Vaccine Graphs
- Darcy Cowan at Skepticon A Side Benefit of Influenza Vaccination A Reduction in Heart Attacks
- Michael Edmonds at Guest Work "I'm Not a Scientist But..." Dissection of an Anti-Vaccinationist's Argument
- Allison Campbell at Bio-Blog Chelation Quackery Around Vaccination
- Grant Jacobs at Code for Life Immunisation Then and Now
- Jarad Niemi at Jarad Niemi Chicken Pox Vaccine
- Jarad Niemi at Significance: Statistics Making Sense Vaccination by Religion
- Todd W at Silenced by Age of Autism If Vaccines Work
- Sierra at Stroller Derby Vaccination Rate Dropping Among Affluent
- Thea at Nutgraf Nerdgasm Hit Me With Your Best Shot
- Simon Menanteau-Ledouble at She Thought F*cking vaccines, How do they work! -Part 2
- Composer99 at Idomatic Composition Anti-Vaccine Double Standards
November 4
- PalMD at White Coat Underground Vaccine Insanity: One Place Where The Poor May Benefit
- Steven Novella MD at Neurologica Germ Theory Denial
- Deb at Science@Home There Is No Mercury in Vaccines
- Chris at Science-Based Parenting My Pertussis Paranoia
- Orac at Respectful Insolence: J.B. Handley: Attacking the American Academy of Pediatrics Over Vaccines...Again
- Erik Davis at Skeptic North With All The Safety Data on Vaccines,Why Are People Still So Afraid?
- Alison Campbell at BioBlog Homeopathic "Vaccination" = Fail
- Kimball Attwood at Science-Based Medicine Vaccine Wars: NCCAM Drops the Ball
- BW at NextBigFuture DARPA and Blue Angel Project To Develop Surge Capacity for Flu vaccines
- Bing McGhandi, PhD at Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes Compared to What?
- Abbas Razah at 3Quarks Daily History of Anti-Vaccination Movements
- Kyla Matton at Canaduceus Flu Season-- Who's Trying to Profit?
- Jason G Goldman at The Thoughtful Animal: Vaccination, Confirmation Bias, and Knowing Your Audience
- Sheldon at Vaccines Work The History of Vaccines
- Simon Menanteau-Ledouble at She Thought F*cking vaccines, How do they work! -Part 3
- Composer99 at Idomatic Composition The Anti-Vax Nexus: Autism and Vaccines
November 5
- Orac at Respectful Insolence Battling Misinformed Consent: How Should We Respond to the Anti-Vaccination Movement?
- Darcy Cowan at Skepticon Vaccine Awareness Week Roundup
- Dr. Aust at Dr. Aust's Spleen Anecdata: Mine Good-- Yours Lies
- Steven Novella MD at Neurologica Gloating About Vaccine Fears
- Seattle Mama Doc Six Tips to Make Vaccination Appointments with Your Pediatrician Less Stressful for You and Your Children
- Alison Campbell at BioBlog Vaccination and Smallpox
- Anthony Bryson at BG Views News Vaccination Scare a Myth
- Mark Crislip at Science-Based Medicine Homeopathic Vaccines
- Littlez2008 at Science-Based Parenting How to talk about contentious subjects such as vaccines and vaccine misinformation with other parents without provoking rage.
- Simon Menanteau-Ledouble at She Thought F*cking vaccines, How do they work! -Part 4
- Composer99 at Idomatic Composition Responses to Anti-Vaccine Activism
November 6
- Scott Gavura at science-Based Medicine Improving Our Response to Anti-Vaccine Sentiment
- Jen Gunter MD at PreemiePrimer Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Vaccine Safe for Preemies
- Deb at She Thought Safe and Effective Vaccines
- Troythulu at Vaccines and Autism: The Evidence Part I
- Composer99 at Idomatic Composition Vaccine Awareness Week Around the Web
November 7
- Science Mom at JusttheVax Vaccine Awareness Week
- Chris at Science-Based Parenting Rivers of Poo are Not Trivial
I've edited this post to remove names
Be careful... In case you didn't notice, [redacted] has been saying that you and David Gorski will be added as defendants in DDI v. Barrett cuz encouraging other writers to express their views on a subject is equivalent to conspiracy. Therfore, according to [redacted] , BLF will sue you and Orac too.
Seriously, I am trying to find a way to have [redacted] forced to take down posts in which he claimed that bloggers would be added as defendants just for condemning the suit. I believe a precedent needs to be set that such misuse of an actual proceeding for the purpose of undermining free speech is unacceptable. I have sent a complaint to Orange County authorities reporting his threats as possible violations of California Penal Code 526, which prohibits simulating legal process. I strongly recommend you do the same. Or just take away [redacted] web domain and his mail box in small claims court.
Posted by: David N. Brown | Tuesday, November 02, 2010 at 08:10 PM
Wow, Awesome list. Well done.
If you are interested I've been collating the NZ generated posts over the week.
Posted by: Darcy Cowan | Wednesday, November 03, 2010 at 05:58 PM
Thanks, I now have half a dozen (more) tabs open!
She Thought also has There Is No Mercury in Vaccines cross posted at Science@home, and part 2 of F*cking Vaccines! How do they work both up on the 4th.
Posted by: Deb | Thursday, November 04, 2010 at 04:49 AM
I love that I'm Bing McGhandi, PhD. :))
Posted by: Bing | Thursday, November 04, 2010 at 03:15 PM
One final entry for me. Great job on the list!
Posted by: Bing | Friday, November 05, 2010 at 05:18 PM
I would like to add my own blog (http://composer99.blogspot.com) to the aggregate:
Overview of vaccine awareness week:
I assume that if I link to each of the posts for the week I will get stuck in moderation.
Posted by: Composer99 | Saturday, November 06, 2010 at 07:02 PM
I added one, perhaps late... but I was inspired:
Posted by: Chris | Sunday, November 07, 2010 at 01:25 AM
Thanks so much for linking to my post! It's great to see such a roundup of informative writing. I obviously have some serious reading to do!
Posted by: Kyla Matton | Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 01:24 AM