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Sunday, September 25, 2011


writing jobs

thank you for this wonderful blog. I've learned so much.

Alicia Lile

Thanks for the list.


So I have not gone through all of the posts, but since my son has a severe communication disorder that is not autism I was intrigued by Schuyler. So I am reading her father's book.

Wow. I am not quite through, all of it... but there is a definite sense of deja-vu. Except we had to wait until he was over two years old, not 18 months, before his lack of speech was flagged. And he was diagnosed with oral motor dyspraxia which may or may not be associated with a history of seizures... the PDD-NOS was never mentioned.

Oh, and the neurologist said he was too social to be autistic. Possibly because that was in 1991, which is before the DSM-IV.

In the early 1990s the only communication disorder I could find information on was hearing loss. My son's special ed. program was actually a direct off-shoot of the hearing impaired program. About fifteen years before (about the time the first form of IDEA was enacted), the hearing impaired program would get kids who could not talk, but could hear. So they created the special program for these kids with individual/group speech therapy, plus OT/PT and the use of sign language.

The books I read about disability and language disorders were all from the deaf culture. The most important ones were the Sesame Street books on sign language (many sign language books of that time did not even have the signs for "toy" or "play"), and Train Go Sorry by Leah Hager Cohen.

While my son's first expressive language was sign language, he refused to use it once he was able to speak... even though his speech is slow and labored. He really did work hard to speak, and yes, we will wait for him to finish a sentence. It may take him longer, but he does get there in the end.

Something I wrote about it years ago.

I am struck how similar Schuyler's story is to my 23 year old son. And how the story is so different. It is exactly like they are individuals!

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