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Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Todd W.

Just a minor note. Vermont has not eliminated philosophical exemptions yet. There is a bill to do so that has passed in the Senate, but still needs to pass in the House and be signed by the governor.

Liz Ditz

Sacramento Bee editorial endorsing AB 2109 (filled of course with anti-vaccination comments)

Melody Butler

Thanks for all this information! I linked to this post on Nurses Who Vaccinate to help spread the advocacy and details.

S Fontal

I live in California and I was one of those injured by a vaccine... When I found my voice, I also found thousands of others like me. There are no protections for the victims of vaccines. Physicians and vaccine companies are protected from liability. There are no safeguards nor clear paths of responsibility when vaccines fail. So long as there are none responsible for the vaccine injured, there will be those that speak out against vaccines. So long as there are none responsible for the failures of vaccines, there will be those that choose a different path.


S Fontal: Why are you trying to discourage people who have been injured by a vaccine from seeking compensation? Thousands of people have been compensated for their injuries; what is your motive for covering this fact up?

Michai Freeman

Thank you for names of Health Committee members. I used it to express my opposition to AB 2109. As a parent I take my responsibility seriously and no health professional has the right to second guess them. I am for safer vaccines not no vaccines. This bill makes it difficult for parent's to protect their children which is its true intention. Plain and simple.

Todd W.

@Michai Freeman

How does this bill make it more difficult for parents to protect their children? It advocates for more education. Certainly that is a good thing?


My children have many allergies and some severe allergies-like peanuts and nuts, due in major part to vaccines. The timing was no coincidence, but I kept vaccinating at doctor's insistence until I could no longer deny the timing of the vaccines related to onset of symptoms. On February 22, 2011, the Supreme Court shielded drug companies from all liability for harm caused by vaccines mandated by government when companies could have made a safer vaccine. Our children do not belong to the government, health officials or doctors. We know our children better than anyone. One-size-fits-all vaccine policy is dangerous because a significant portion of children have different biological weaknesses that cannot withstand the onslaught of vaccines, especially as infants, that have more than doubled since 1983. Doctors are not God, though some of them seem to think so, especially my daughter's first doctor. They are trained that vaccines can do no harm, but are only good. I have seen otherwise. I am very educated about vaccine risk and disease risk. I've already been bullied and lectured by my daugther's first doctor. I don't want to be lectured to by law now. Dr. Bob Sears said he personally knows doctors that will not sign an exemption because either they want all vaccines mandatory or they are concerned over liability.

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