Jake Crosby is a young autistic man who, it appears, believes that vaccination caused his Asperger's. He has written widely on anti-vaccination topics, as discussed by Orac at Respectful Insolence. Crosby primarily has been published at the anti-vaccine organ Age of Autism.
Science Mom at Just the Vax summarizes what happened this week very well:
Last November (2012) there was a congressional hearing lead up by California Republican representative Darrell Issa. Autism parent Brian Hooker revealed a series of meetings he had with rep. Issa and other congress critters. Mr. Hooker was accompanied by Andrew Wakefield who wined and dined members of the oversight committee that would ultimately hear testimonies from anti-vaccine groups on the topic of autism. The testimonies and speakers at this hearing has made Jake Crosby very angry and has posted his diatribe on none other than the Bolen Report*.
The Cliff Notes version is that Jake has decided to slam his comrades-in-arms, particularly SafeMinds, because they chose to try and appear sane and rational (as sane and rational as one can be given that they believe vaccines cause autism) in front of the congressional committee by refusing to let Jake present his contorted conspiracy theories and instead letting Mark Blaxill speak and trimming Brian Hooker's screed down. Jake's little hissy fit is a thing of beauty to read as it illustrates the mindset of anti-vaxxers and their slimy tactics to weasel their way onto a platform of legitimacy.
There is a history of folk scrubbing incriminating documents from the internet record. I decided to take screenshots of Crosby's diatribe, posted below. This of course removes the links, but preserves the sense.
As always, click to embiggen. (Image descriptions: a series of 13 screenshots of Crosby's post at The Bolen Report, SafeMinds Steals The Show, Literally...)-------
* If you are fortunate enough to be ignorant of who Tim Bolen is, or the barmpottery tthat is the Bolen Report, you might want to read Encyclopedia of American Loons, #31: Tim Bolen or Quackwatch: A Response to Tim Bolen, or A Nonsensical Attack on Stephen Barret.
Wow - there is certainly a disturbance in the anti-vaccine force, isn't there.....
Posted by: Lawrence | Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 01:16 PM