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Tuesday, May 03, 2016



Well done! It takes a lot of time and patience to slog through all of this, and I appreciate your work in putting together this well-referenced post.

I fear that the people who are fully invested in believing these anti-vaccine delusions don't bother to investigate these papers-- but posts with evidence like this might open the eyes of a few people who might otherwise be swayed by their lies.


Beautiful. Thank you for all your good work Truth and the scientific process are important.

Hannah H.

It amazes me what you are able to pore over and digest. Thank you for your diligence and the respect you pay to science. It is a process of which you are a part.


Excellent and well researched.



Incredibly insightful thanks so very much for this!


The comment below is from Doug Copp, not me. No I am apologizing. Nothing he has said in his lewd, abusive comments is true. I made up nothing and I stand by my reporting.

I would like to make an apology to Mr.Copp.
Everything he said about me is true. I did make up everything I wrote about him and I feel deeply ashamed of my actions. I hope he finds it in his heart to forgive me.


Mr. Copp, that is incredibly lame.

Please do yourself a favor and get some real help.

Liz Ditz

Still not me. Nice try, Doug Copp, but no

This isn't Mr.Copp, it's me Liz Ditz. And everything is true. You can see for yourself by going to

Dorit Reiss

Thank you profoundly, Liz, for putting this together. It's a tremendous service.

I am really sorry to see you harassed by someone who apparently has no standard and no dignity. I guess that's the price of effective advocacy for children and science: attracting the attention of the unworthy.


To no one's surprise, Roberto's IP address does not resolve to anywhere associated with Bustamante's career. It resolves to...the region in Canada, in which Doug Copp resides. My surmise: Copp is going from free wifi hotspot to to free wifi hotspot to continue his campaign.

I am a reporter who has interviewed Doug Copp. It breaks my heart that Liz has wrote all those horrible things about him. I have made a large donation to his cause.

You can make a donation too by going to


To no one's surprise, Roberto's IP address does not resolve to anywhere associated with Bustamante's career. It resolves to...the region in Canada, in which Doug Copp resides. My surmise: Copp is going from free wifi hotspot to to free wifi hotspot to continue his campaign.

It is really sad that people are going out their way to bring harm to someone who has already suffered enough. This Liz Ditz person looks like a monster to me and I think that people think twice about what she writes.

Go to


To no one's surprise, Roberto's IP address does not resolve to anywhere associated with Bustamante's career. It resolves to...the region in Canada, in which Doug Copp resides. My surmise: Copp is going from free wifi hotspot to to free wifi hotspot to continue his campaign.

I think that Chris guy and Dorit should mind their own business.


I am a reporter who has interviewed Doug Copp
- you don't quote the article you surely would have published after this interview,
- comment in a completely unrelated article,
- decide who is right or wrong solely on the basis of this interview and Copp's website,
- abandon all journalistic neutrality to defend him,
- and don't find any other way to do so than comment on Liz's blog.
And as regular followers of this blog (for topics unrelated to Copp), who tend to laugh at unsubstantiated claims, I do think we are allowed to make it our business ; especially on public comments.


Roberto: I think I found a link to the article you wrote - was it this one which states: "John Norman, chief of special operations for the New York Fire Department, said a special agent from the Justice Department interviewed him about Copp's claims to have played a crucial role in World Trade Center rescue operations....
Norman also told the Journal Copp was a "bald-faced liar."

Or possibly this one "Thank you for finally exposing Mr. Copp. His antics have frustrated and embarrassed legitimate SAR volunteers for years."

Or did you write this one: about the fraud investigation into Copp?

Or possibly this one about Copp's dismissed lawsuit against reporter like you who simply want the truth to get out?

Whichever reporter you are, I hope Copp doesn't come after you with the same bogus accusations and baseless attacks that he's made about others that expose him.

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