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Wednesday, September 18, 2019



Thank you for addressing this painful tragedy with such empathy and compassion.

Geri Bruce

In her grief, she seems to be grasping at any explanation. Perhaps she is simply unable to accept what has happened. My heart understands her feelings- but my head can only deal with logic.

God Bless you Mrs. Clobes!


Great job, Liz. It is so compelling the contrast between Ms Clobes’ statements just after her daughter’s untimely death to the statements she makes now.


Well written Liz, I hope she gets the help she needs, and she can move on from blaming vaccines. She has been exploited by the antivax movement, which isn't helping her.

Joanne Ford

My son Alex died from SIDS.. in his carry cot aged 4 months.
I now believe that it was my nan and her daughters smoking that caused his death..they baby sat for me that night and Alex was in the same room.
This was in the day when babies were placed on their front.
I have never voiced my fear and never will. there is nothing to be gained from it.
However I really do believe this was the reason..
On his front and inhaling smoke.

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