U.S. children whose health insurance is provided through Medicaid receive free vaccines, purchased by the Centers for Disease Control from vaccine manufacturers and distributed by the Vaccines For Children (VFC) program. They are identical in every way to vaccines purchased by medical practices for private-pay patients. See here for the price list indicating that all vaccines purchased and distributed by VFC are brand-name vaccines.
Yet, there's a myth that just won't die -- that there are two or more tiers of vaccines, from the "dirty" vaccines for the poor to the super-duper vaccines given to the elite. Here are some sample claims.
Text reads:
What is so worrisome and what I've stated for years is that the poor are getting a cheaper quality vaccine. It is the reason why doctors in affluent areas like Beverly Hills are telling their patients that their formulas are cleaner and safer.
Here are a few more, from various social media venues.
Text reads:
I’ve heard this from more than one source and now just heard it again so I thought I’d ask in here. Is it true you can get “clean” vaccines with less fillers, additives, etc.? As far as I know I thought you only could ask for thimerosal free flu vaccines but are there others you can specifically ask for that is “cleaner”, less fillers and additives and they can order for you? I keep hearing this is what the elite and rich do, celebrities, royalty, etc., for their children, they special order cleaner vaccines than the general public gets and they have the money to do it. The last person who mentioned this said they know this is true because they demanded a clean vaccine for their child (sounds like it might have been tetanus because there was an injury and it’s my understanding they don’t do vaccines anymore for their child and have a medical exemption) and it took four hours but they were able to get it for them. I don’t know if that was because of so many allergies and other things going on or what exactly. This might have been a special case because I believe the child has some severe allergies. But if people wanted to, can they special order vaccines without all the fillers and additives and just pay extra for?
Text reads in part
Do you believe people in the public eye aren't being vaccinated with real vaccines?
Another example from social media, referenced in the Reuters article above:
Text reads:
My son's pediatrician was like we gave your son the wrong vaccinations so you owe us $700 and I'm like What??? He was like we gave him the insured vaccinations and not the free vaccination.. Soo I'm like what's the difference??? He didn't respond...Now I'm wondering wtf are they giving the poor kids with Medicaid and famous??? It that why it's more black kids with ADHD??? #mindwondering #momagainstvaccines
Myth asserted and debunked:
"Those who get medicaid... Please research the vaccines you get with state insurance. They are 5x more dangerous. For your loved ones, please do this research. I cannot stress it enough."
Source: https://lizditz.typepad.com/i_speak_of_dreams/2016/03/anti-vaccine-myth-294056.html
The Myth of Substandard Vaccines
This myth originates from the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, which purchases more than half of of the pediatric vaccines produced in the US. Vaccines acquired through the VFC program cannot be interchanged with vaccines acquired through other supply chains (more the reasons for this, on this below).
I suppose to people who are conspiracy-minded, because the VFC vaccines are segregated, that must mean they are inferior. This rumor became so prevalent, in June 2020 Reuters Fact Check had to issue a rebuttal.
"Viral posts on Facebook suggest that children from families on Medicaid or without insurance receive different vaccines than children whose families have private insurance. This claim is false….
The claim that children whose families receive Medicaid or do not have insurance receive different vaccines than those covered by private insurance is false. A CDC spokesperson told Reuters via email that while “providers have to keep the vaccines separate for auditing and accountability purposes,” there is “not a different vaccine for the VFC program.” The spokesperson added that VFC “purchases half of all vaccines given to people under age 18 in the country, and they purchase the same vaccines from the same manufacturers as everyone else.”
Facts about the Vaccines for Children Program
While the vaccines distributed through the VFC program are identical to private-pay vaccines, the management is somewhat different. The management and inventory of VFC is very highly regulated, and medical practices that are VFC providers must follow strict guidelines on vaccine storage, accounting, and reporting.
The ordering and distribution of private-pay vaccines are handled differently than VFC vaccines.
Private-pay vaccines are typically ordered and managed by an individual in the medical practice, and are ordered either directly from the manufacturer or through a supply firm. They can reorder vaccines when they feel like it. The practice owns the vaccines.
Clinics or medical practices that are participants in the VFC program order VFC vaccines are ordered through state departments of health (and a few city and territory departments of health (called "awardees"). Each awardee has their own inventory/tracking/storage regulations of the program (although there's a lot of overlap). VFC can only reorder vaccines when the practice has documented that the previous supply has been used. The practice does not own the vaccines; they're the property of the VFC program, and cannot be interchanged with private-pay vaccines.
Some large practices participating in the VFC program have separate refrigerator/freezer units for VFC vaccines; others use one refrigerator/freezer for both sources, but keep them labeled and stored separately.
History of the Vaccines for Children Program
In 1989 – 1991, a measles epidemic in the United States resulted in tens of thousands of cases of measles and hundreds of deaths. Upon investigation, CDC found that more than half of the children who had measles had not been immunized, even though many of them had seen a health care provider.
In partial response to that epidemic, Congress passed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) on August 10, 1993, creating the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program. VFC became operational October 1, 1994. Known as section 1928 of the Social Security Act, the Vaccines for Children program is an entitlement program (a right granted by law) for eligible children, age 18 and younger.
Q: Which children are eligible?
A: Children through 18 years of age who meet at least one of the following criteria are eligible to receive VFC vaccine:
- Medicaid eligible: A child who is eligible for the Medicaid program. (For the purposes of the VFC program, the terms “Medicaid-eligible” and “Medicaid-enrolled” are equivalent and refer to children who have health insurance covered by a state Medicaid program)
- Uninsured: A child who has no health insurance coverage
- American Indian or Alaska Native: As defined by the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (25 U.S.C. 1603)
- Underinsured
So the next time the myth comes up, either here or in the rest of your life, feel free to pass along this article.
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