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« Are The Vaccines Given To Children on Medicaid Substandard or “Dirty”? | Main

Sunday, December 27, 2020


Liz Ditz

Related important article:

The incidence of anaphylaxis from vaccines (excluding COVID-19 vaccines) has been measured before to be 1.31 per million vaccine doses (and in the 33 cases from that study which looked at over 25 million vaccine doses, none were fatal)- and thus is exceedingly rare. With COVID-19 vaccines, 8 cases of severe allergic reactions have been documented with just over 1 million doses doses- which makes for an incidence of approximately one per 125,000 doses of vaccine, which is still quite rare. It is not currently known what component of the vaccines is responsible, but current suspicions point to a component of the lipid nanoparticle that the mRNA is placed inside called PEG-2000. PEGs are very common additives in cosmetics, drugs, and foods, and thus allergy to them is generally very rare. Anyone receiving a vaccine is asked to stay for observation for 15 minutes in the event of a reaction, and in those who have a history of severe allergic reactions the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends observation for 30 minutes. Despite how much attention these cases of anaphylaxis have gotten in the news, anaphylaxis is readily manageable in a medical setting and still exceedingly rare.

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